Chapter 8

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Today is the day! We've waited a month to know what our animagus forms are and tonight we finally are going to know!

The whole school has been on edge ever since Uncle Sirius broke into the castle last week. That's got Rigel, Harry, Dad and I on edge. So this will be good to get our minds off of it. Plus, Dad just got over another full moon so I think this will amaze him.

At dinner I'm beside Neville and across from Harry and Rigel so I lean across the table. "Hé les gars, après le dîner se rencontrer dans le Dortoir Royale afin que nous puissions transformer pour la première fois en paix." (Hey guys, after dinner meet in the Royal Dorm so we can transform for the first time in peace.)

They all agree and we continue eating. I've got an Italian pasta tonight with pumpkin juice. Neville leans on my shoulder and I kiss his head. "You okay?" I ask him softly. He nods. "Yeah. Don't worry about it." He says. I nod reluctantly and continue eating.

The four of us finish eating and get up from the table. Hermione wasn't at dinner, And the other three boys are in a heated conversation about Quidditch so they don't notice us get up. We quickly scurry out of the Great Hall and over to the passage.

Once we get up to the Gryffindor and Royal tower, Neville steps up and says the password. The portrait opens and we all go inside. I pick up my animagus book and flip to the page I need.

"Okay boys, it says here to remove the mandrake leaf from your mouth and then to concentrate really hard on the animal okay? Who wants to go first?" I ask, shutting the book and throwing it on the couch. "I will." Harry says. The other three of us nod and step back.

Harry takes the mandrake leaf out of his mouth and closes his eyes. Suddenly he drops to all fours and starts sprouting antlers. Once he fully transforms, there's a stag standing in front of me. "Oh my goodness Harry! Your definitely a second generation marauder. You look just like Uncle James!" I exclaim.

Neville hands me my camera that I keep on the fireplace and I snap a picture of Harry in his animagus form. He transforms back and smiles. "Let me see the picture." He says. I hand it to him and he has a small smile on his face. "Wow." He whispers.

"I'll go next." Rigel says. I nod and pull Harry back with me. Rigel drops the lead by Harry's and concentrates. Just like Harry, he drops to all fours. Only this time, instead of antlers, Rigel sprouts a brown tail! He transformed completely and I gasp.

"R-Rigel, you l-look like Uncle S-Sirius." I say, brushing a tear away. I snap a picture and Rigel changes back. "Let me see." He whispers. A few more tears fall down my face as I hand him the picture. He starts crying and pulls me into a hug. We stand there crying for a moment before breaking apart from each other.

"My turn." Neville says. I nod and he takes his lead from his mouth, putting it with the others. Neville steps back from us and closes his eyes to concentrate. He drops to all fours like the other boys did and starts sprouting hair all over the place. Suddenly, he gets a full mane of hair around his head. "Bloody hell!" The three of us exclaim.

"He's a lion!" I say. I snap a picture quickly and go up to him. I run my hands through his mane and he nudges my head with his. I laugh and kiss his head. I step back so he can transform back.

When I blink, standing where the lion previously had been is my amazing boyfriend. "Was I really a lion?" Neville asks. The three of us nod. I pick up the picture and show him. He gasps and studies the picture.

"Alright boys, my turn." I say before removing the mandrake leaf from the inside of my cheek. I close my eyes and picture a wolf. Then I picture my mum and her fairy form. I feel myself drop to all fours and then feel something on my bum. A tail! I hear the boys gasp so look up at them and tilt my head. Rigel snaps a picture and I walk over to a mirror. I look into it and take a step back. I'm a wolf, with wings.

Changing back, I turn and face the boys with a shocked expression. "Oh my Merlin." I whisper. "Did I just become that?" I whisper again. The boys all nod and I smile. "Who wants to go show my dad the next generation marauders?" I ask, a smirk etched on my face. They all nod and we run out of the portrait hole to my dads office.

The door to his classroom was open when we got there so we walked on in. "Daddy?" "Uncle Remus?" Rigel and I say. Dad walks out to the landing from his office and smiles when he sees the four of us. "Hello kids. What brings you here?" Dad asks as he walks down the stairs.

"We wanted to show you something." I say, stepping up in front of the boys a little ways. "Alright. What do you have to show me?" Dad asks, sitting down on one of the tables. I look at the boys and we all have smirks on our faces. "Switch boys." I tell them, waving my hand at the door to shut and lock it.

All three boys close their eyes and soon a lion, stag and dog are standing in front of dad. His face looks surprised. "Dad, I'd like you to meet Prongslet, Fido, and Puma." I say, pointing to each animal as I say their specific name. "How did you-, when did you-, wow." Dad says. I smile.

"Well it all started when I read an entry in mums journal saying her, uncles James, uncle Sirius and Pettigrew became animagus. I was alone with the boys one Saturday evening outside when I thought of it. This was also the day you caught me outside." I say.

One by one the boys transform back to human. "You four continue to amaze me. Rigel, Harry your just like your fathers." Dad says, causing both boys to tear up. I wrap my arms around the two of them and they lay their heads on either of my shoulders.

"Now Joesy, what is your animagus form?" Dad asks. I smile. "Glad you asked dad." I say. Both boys move away from me and I close my eyes. Soon I'm in my winged wolf form and dad steps back. "You r-really are second generation aren't you?" Dad says.

I nod my head and turn to Rigel. "Her name is Artemis." He says. Dad nods. "Well, Prongslet, Fido, Puma and Artemis. You four are truly unbelievable." Dad says. I change back and stand between Neville and Rigel.

"Believe it or not Harry, Rigel. Us Marauders actually called you two that when you where babies." Dad says, smiling sadly. I go up and hug him before we leave his room.

"That went well." I say. The others nod before we all grab hands and head back to the dorms.

Neville and I say goodnight to Harry and Rigel before returning to our dorm. "Goodnight Puma." I tell Neville. "Goodnight Artemis." He says before kissing my lips. I smile and give him a hug before heading up to my room. I change and them fall asleep thinking of my mum.

Hello my loves! I hope you all like it! Comment and vote afterwards.
Love you all,

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