Chapter 11

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The following day, I wake up and get ready for divination. I pull an outfit out of my closet and get dressed. I slip on my skinny jeans, white shirt with grey three quarter sleeves and my brown belt.

After slipping my red converse on my feet, I make my hair dirty blond and waist length before quickly brushing my teeth and heading down to the Great Hall

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After slipping my red converse on my feet, I make my hair dirty blond and waist length before quickly brushing my teeth and heading down to the Great Hall. Neville hands me a pumpkin spice muffin as he walks up to me. I smile and grab his hand as we walk to the divination tower.

Class starts and Professor Trelawney goes around to each table. Neville, Rigel and I are sitting at the table next to Hermione, Ron and Harry. She goes up to the golden trio and Harry shoves Ron awake. "What have we here?" Trelawney asks the three of them. "Can I give it a try?" Hermione asks. "Yes, of course!" Trelawney encouraged. "The grim. Possibly." Hermione says smartly.

Professor Trelawney grabs Hermione's hand. "You know, my dear, the moment I looked into your eyes I knew that you did not have the mind for the noble art of Divination." Professor Trelawney says, looking at Hermione's Palm.

"See? Right here. You may be young in years but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave." Trelawney states, closing Hermione's hand into an upturned fist.

This causes Hermione to gasp and pull her hand away. She stands up and knocks the crystal ball of its stand before leaving the room. "Have I said something?" The Professor asks.

The bell rings signaling the end of class and everyone rises from their seats. Everyone leaves and Ron starts running his mouth. "She's gone mental, Hermione has. I mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see!" The five of us get to the bottom of the stairs and Ron stops talking. "Hang on." Harry says, picking up the crystal ball.

"Better return this." He says. "I'm not going to back up there." Ron, Rigel and Neville say. "Fine. See ya later." Harry says. "See ya." The three boys say. I walk up there with Harry and we put the ball back on its stand.

Suddenly, a hand appears on Harry's shoulder making us jump. "Professor Trelawney?" We say in unison. She opens her mouth and instead of her normal, kind voice, a deep, raspy one replaces it.

"He will return tonight! Tonight he who betrayed his friends - whose heart rots with murder! Innocent blood shall be shed and servant and master shall be reunited once mooooore!" She coughs and looks at the two of us.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, dear ones. Did you say something?" She asks. "No. Nothing." We shake our heads and calmly leave the room but once we get to the stairs we hurry down them as quick as we can.

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