Chapter 6 - Assholes need to die

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Hey guys! Yay?! Congratulations.... you reached the vote goal so, here is chapter 6,  6 days early! Lol. Enjoyyy!

i dont have much to say besides the fact that it's not edited and probably has a lot of mistakes. so bare with me!

Song to the side is ' Remember When ' by Avril Lavigne  it fits this chapter and its kinda what cade is going through, listen to it and see into her soul.....? rofl.

Slide show of cast to the side >>>>>>>

Lets set the next voting goal for 7-10 votes? yeah? think you can do it ? prove it! ;)

Thanks & ENJOY!



Cade's pov.

my arm is linked in Pauls as we enter the cafeateria, its dead silence, not a nosie.

Suddenly i hear a shrill voice screech "She's not even that pretty! I'm SOOOO much better than her!"

my eyes snap towards where it came from and standing there was Darren and  that chick from earlier.... god whats her name..... Bambi? Jamie? Cami? Tami! thats it.

Tami, hmm.... wonder whats going on.

just then i hear a deep powerful voice say " She's Beautiful. All that i could ever want. "

it's his wolf, i can tell without looking at his eyes.

i gasp at his words, even if its his wolf saying it, he has to feel it to some extent otherwise he wouldnt have allowed his wolf to say it.

His words shot through the air and striaght through my heart where they froze mid-flight and burrowed deep inside me.

many pairs of eyes flash to me then Darren that back at me, all of the eyes are werewolves, because humans couldnt have heard his last statement or my gasp.

some scrutizied me, some gave sympathetic looks, others calculating looks, or furrious glares.

i furrowed my brows in confusion, what did i do to them, what i do period?

i looked over at Paul for answers.

 Paul looked back at me and opened his mouth and closed it a few times as if decideing how to best put something.

"Umm... Cade... Their are ahh.... few things that you should ah... know about... Darren." he said carefully.

" hmm... and what should i know about that douche?" i asked him as we walked into the lunch line, ignoreing the stares and the scene happening.

 i grabbed random things to fill up my tray, as did paul.

we quickly paid and began to walk acrossed the room.

" First off, he is the next in line for Alpha posistion. And as you already know, he is the lead singer in a popular band. And with those two things attached to him and his name he can get just about anything or anyone he wants. And he uses both those things plus his looks to his advantage at all times. There a few girls in this town above the age of 16 that havent slept with him." Paul finished as we walked to a table that was full of people, mostly the guys i have already met.

" Hey Guys!" Paul and i say as we sit down.

i turned to paul " Is he really the alpha to be? i didnt know that." i said furrowing my brows.

" yeah and before you ask, yeah he really is that arrogant, rude and egotistical most of the time." he said.

he leaned in before adding " And between you and me, its all a show, he can be so sweet, caring and selfless when he wants to be its sicking sometimes."

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