18 - A L L

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03:00 AM

All the delayed flights shuffled into a mass of clear letters that said; on time. Didn’t they want it to be on time? They were out of their mind because the flights were delayed, yet here they were holding on to the girls they met just seven hours tightly to their chests.

Except for Louis.

Louis was standing beside Paul and Preston as they held on to their own bags, while he shuffled awkwardly on his feet not daring to hold eye contact with either of the boys, or the girls. For all it matters, they weren’t focused on him anyway.

Harry held on to the fragile Autumn as she tried her best to smile not wanting any of the other boys to notice her tear stained face.

“Be good yeah?” she chocked out, “It was really nice meeting you Harry Styles” she kissed his cheek and hugged him tighter to her listening to his heart beat, “I hope we meet again sometime soon”

Harry caressed her long blond hair and remained silent. What does he have to say anyway? Nice to meet you too? This wasn’t just any meeting between mutual friends. He really really liked Autumn. He tried making himself believe, it has been seven hours, he couldn’t possibly like her in such a short period of time.

But time works in wicked ways.

Liam looked Micki straight into her clear eyes; she did not shed a single tear.

“I’m not going to cry” she said with a small smile covering her face, although it hurt her to hold all these emotions inside of her.

“Good, I don’t want to see you crying” Liam said. He’s seen enough of her crying because of a single bastard he wanted to fucking kill.

“I like you Liam; you have been a great company”

A great company! Way to be friend zoned again Liam.

Niall wiped Jackie’s tear stained face. She was the only one who had the guts to cry out loudly, her sniffing echoed throughout the newly busy airport. It pained him to see her in such a position; he wished she was as strong as the other girls.

But no, she wasn’t! There she was crying her eyes out, holding on to him for dear life. She could not bear the idea of walking away from the best thing that has happened to her. She’s loved him since the first time she laid eyes on him in the What makes you beautiful video.

She was a very lucky person to have met him and spend time with him. And had such a tender kiss with him too.

She was very lucky, but there he was being pulled away from her so forcefully.

“I love you so much” she sobbed, “It means a lot that you had the time to actually sit with me”

“I wanted to Jackie, I enjoyed my time with you” Niall said, as he felt a lump in his throat built up. He was trying not to cry. He did not handle crying girls very well.

Zayn wasn’t one to show his emotions. He handled crying in public very well. He has never shed a tear in public since he became famous, and even before that, no one has caught Zayn Malik crying.

Chloe stood in front of Zayn showing no sentiment at all. She had a straight face and would not look at Zayn in the eye at all.

“I’m sorry” she finally said, “I led you on-“

Zayn hugged her tight and interrupted her rambling on session. He doesn’t want to hear a single thing about what she surprised him with hours ago. He wants to end their meeting with good terms.

Pulling away from the hug, Zayn smiles at her and kisses her cheek tenderly.

That’s it.


Walking up the stairs of the plane, each of the boys was in a miserable daze. Each and one of them falling into a pity party individually. None of them looking at each other as they sadly walked into the door.

Louis turned around to Harry and noticed the red alien spot on his neck and turned to him shocked.

“What the fuck is that?” he pointed accusingly.

“What?” Harry asked confused looking around.

Getting the attention of the boys, they all stared at Harry, and Niall cracked up laughing breaking the tense air.

“Is that a hickey?” Zayn asked now cracking a small smile.

“What?” Harry asked, and dumbfounded remembered the mark Autumn decided to leave on him before he left to another country and away from her. “Oh” he exclaimed understanding what the hype was about and covered it frantically with the collar of his jacket.

“Someone was getting it on” Louis commented smirking at the blushing Harry. Louis tried to sound as cheerful as he could, but in reality he was so jealous of Harry and the action he has gotten. Why did Lisa have to leave so abruptly and suddenly without even a single goodbye? She just… disappeared.

Maybe she was right; they weren’t supposed to meet anyways. But neither did Harry and Autumn, and here he was marked in hickeys while Louis sobbed internally.

Setting their bags in place, the jokes about Harry were sadly over. Sitting away from each other, each of them taking the window seat, they stared outside the window. They were head over heels on girls they’ve known for hours, how is that even humanely possible?

“This sucks” Niall finally said not being able to hold it in.

“Tell me about it” Liam said, bringing his knees to his chest.

“I-“ Harry began but was hastily interrupted by a raging Louis.

“You don’t talk okay?” Louis said looking Harry dead in the eyes as he sat exactly opposite him, “We can all agree from all of us you got it best”

“The hell is wrong with you?” Harry asks feeling self-concious and covering the hickey caused by Autumn more with his hand.

“Nothing” Louis mumbled in response.

The rest of the boys were too shocked by Louis’ outraged comment that they all fell silent.

What have these five girls done to them? In just seven hours?

Time is evil.


This is dedicated to the lovely @MysteriousDancer86 for reading my stories, her cute comments and voting! Oh and you all shoud definately check out her stories, Letters to Liam and To love again! THEY ARE LOVE. SHE IS LOVE!! <3 

this is the last chapter lovely readers, next is a LONG LONG LONG epilogue! i hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did enjoy writing it :) x 

and the boys at the side :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( 

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