Chapter 10

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It's been 5 months now. Camila and I haven't fought but we have been going on more dates. College has been interfering with our relationship so much but we break through.
"Y/n!" Camila called.

"Yes?" I headed towards her voice to find her in the back of the classroom.

"Help, please?"

Her things were scattered along her desk and the floor and I picked them up as she did the same. "Thanks,"

"Our one year anniversary is coming up soon," I reminded her as we strolled through the hallways.
"Of course"

The day went by pretty fast and Camila seemed a bit worried through the day. She was laying on her bed staring up at the ceiling with a worried look and she was fiddling with her fingers. "What's wrong?" She turned to look at me, "S-Shawn got out of p-prison." My eyes widened and I quickly stood up.
"How do you know?" I asked now standing by her bed.

She didn't reply but only looked into my eyes with her beautiful brown ones. Camila rolled up her sleeve revealing bruises along her arm. She turned her head to show bruises along her neck and then she pointed down to her bare leg which also had bruises scattered everywhere.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

A tear ran down her face, "It happened last night when I went out with Lauren and the girls."

I only gasped and wrapped my arms around her my head laying lightly on her shoulder. "I'll stand by you and I'll never let you leave my sight. It's not safe with Shawn around. Good thing he doesn't go to college anymore."

A yawn broke free as I stretched my arms and looked towards Camila's bed. My eyes widened when I saw that she wasn't there. My phone was sitting on the dresser and I quickly called her. "Pick up, pick up," I muttered. The only sound was the phone leaving a beep. I got dressed and looked all over the school but Camila was nowhere to be found. I sighed as I walked out of the school to find Camila and the girls. Another figure was with them. Shawn! I quickly ran up towards them knocking him to the ground. They all gasped and backed away.

"What'd you do that for?" I heard him breath out as he struggled to get up.

"That's not Shawn!" Camila shouted.

She was right, it wasn't Shawn. Wait... But he looks exactly like him. What?

"Y/n! How could you? You don't even know the damn guy and you just run up and knock him down?!" Camila yelled.

"I'm sorry I-" she cut me off as she slapped me and stomped away the girls well behind and Normani giving me a glare. The guy I punched wasn't on the ground anymore but was face to face with me. "You fucking cunt," he cursed. "Now my girl has ran off!"
His girl? Was he mad? Camila has been mine for almost a year now.

"Camila has been mine! Almost for a year now! And you just come in and call her yours?" I retorted.

"Dude, come on! Camila doesn't even like you! Camila and I have been dating for months now and your dumbass can't see that. No wonder she hasn't been telling you things. She's not in love with you, Y/n. She moved on months ago!" he said.

My mind whirled at the thought of Camila leaving me without me noticing. Now Camila will never talk to me again especially after punching her man. I ran up to my room and saw Camila packing her things up. "What're you doing?" I asked concern in my voice. "Leaving. I'm moving dorms. I don't wanna see you ever again."
She walked up to the door holding boxes but I quickly blocked her way. "Camila you never told me this! I never realized you weren't in love with me anymore." I breathed. She rolled her eyes and shoved me out of the way. I didn't know what to say or do. My mind was whirling with the question 'Why?'. Camila is now gone and I doubt she'll ever talk to me again. I didn't have many friends either. The only person I needed was Camila and now she's leaving.

I collapsed on the floor my breathing was shallow and my vision blurry. My eyes were now wide open. I breathed heavily and noticed I was in the hospital. I could see Camila outside the room with her boyfriend. Camila walked in and rolled her eyes as she noticed I was awake. "What happened? Why are you here?" I asked.

"You weren't breathing when I came back to get the rest of my stuff. I called for help so they came and now we're here." she explained.

"I'm sorry, I never knew. I thought you were with Shawn. You know I couldn't let that happen."

"Why would I be with or even near Shawn? You know what happened! You know everything and every time I'm with you something bad happens to me! You just bring bad things into my life!" She yelled.

I opened my mouth to respond but no words came out. "That's why I left you. I couldn't feel safe with you. Now I know how bad you really are. You punched Mason for no god damn reason!"

I couldn't bear to see Camila so mad like this. She was going to yell more but Mason came in and grabbed her by the arm taking her out of the room. I never realized that it was me who brought bad things into her life. She was the only thing I cared about and tried to protect but I can't protect her anymore. Hopefully Mason can do that for me. Someone like me doesn't deserve someone so beautiful and loving like her.

A few moments later she came into the room. Her voice was steady and she only looked at me before opening her mouth to speak.

"Bye, Y/n."

Sorry it's been so long! Every chapter will have some twist to it because I have no idea what to write so if you guys could leave suggestions that would be great! Thanks

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Sorry it's been so long! Every chapter will have some twist to it because I have no idea what to write so if you guys could leave suggestions that would be great! Thanks


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