1 |What Didn't Happen part 1

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Two teens walked on a dark suburban street, as the cold night air whistled a calming tune. The two had just finished their so called date earlier at that time, the man with ebony black hair looked happy, for he was sending his date home. Just the two of them. Together. Alone.

The man thought out an idea to ease some tension. "Rize, what are your plans in the future?" The boy asks innocently looking up to the starless sky above Tokyo.

"Well.. I don't know, Mr.Kaneki." she replied quietly

"What do you mean?" He stole a glance to the indigo haired female now known as Rize.

"It's just boring to plan out your future, wouldn't you want it surprising in every twist and turn?" The girl had a point, actually Kaneki thought going on as a literature major was an ok course to begin with. But, what jobs will he have when he finishes college?
To be stuck in a damp, noisy office.

Waking up everyday early in the morning, eat, going to work, coming home tired, eat, sleep and repeat until the day you give out.

"Oh.., So anyway what types of books do you adore? Other than of course The Egg Of The Black Goat," Dismissing his other said question.

"Nothing much, I don't like romance novels." Rize said, in a polite manner.

"Me too, there a lot of clichés everywhere, when you see them." Kamishiro nodded in agreement to Kaneki's statement.

Kaneki and Rize continued with their simple banter and small laughter here and there, unbeknownst to the male, Rize was leading him to a darker and older alleyway. Her smirk was unseen to the still taking teen about his life and past.

"You know, Rize- you're the only other person I've talked about this."

"Really? Why is that?"

"Maybe because...I trust you." He threw another gaze at the young woman, she was beautiful yes to him and any other man, he's a lucky guy to even go on date with such a prize. Heat flushed his pale cheeks while Rize too, took a side glance to his gray steele orbs.

"Is that so..?" Rize said calmly. Now, their feet brought them to the middle splitting section of the wide street. The female stops, as for Kaneki follows her actions, "Kaneki-san this way." she ushered him using her arms to the other lightless street.

He nodded as for a short reply. A few steps in the alley, Rize was the one who lead the way the male followed silently, just a few steps in someone bumped into him — making Kaneki drop his paper bag of bought books to the dirt ground —  muttering a quick apology as he was the first to speak. Now, that he registered who he had bumped into, a girl. Possible his age or even younger. Her brownish hair bobbed back and forth as she picked up the fallen books ignoring the owner completely.

Kaneki stayed there, Rize also unsure on what to do at this point.
She finally picks up the last of the small books, walks up to him with outstretched hands and offers him the books.

"Sorry mister." She exclaimed in a low calm voice "I wasn't looking where I was going so..and it was dark so...I...wait..is that you Kaneki?" The girl with hazelnut hair raises her head completely revealing — azure — blue electric eyes as she met his grey ones.

"Who?" He asked, while a smile crept on the girl's face. "Kaneki Ken right?"

"Um..yeah? Now, who are you?"

"He he so don't remember?"she giggled at his confusion.

"I-I don't?"

"I'm Yuna Yoshikawa!" The girl heartily chuckled at the Kaneki, a moment later he registered what was going on. "Yuna Yoshikawa? As in-" Kaneki held back his tongue before uttering a secret he had embarrassingly kept hidden. As in my 'crush' from highschool?! How the heck was she h-here?

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