12| Death Sentence

85 18 18

I'm excited in what's to come!


Touka led me out to a wide grey sewer way system. The place looked really worn down, added the additional sounds of water dripping from leaky pipes above. The high ceilings made me remember -- A old aged crypt -- from a history text book I've read, once.

She didn't turn to even face me, I just followed her to the large space on the winding walk ways. Only the clanking of our heels made any noise —Other than that silence spread...

A couple of minutes later.We reached a stair case, the eerie silence felt unbearable. But still, many questions sped through my still throbbing head.

What was going to happen to me? What am I even doing here?

In front of Touka, a metal bolted rusty door lay ahead. As if it was used in a bunker from world war 2. Just how long had this place had been here?

She opened the door with measly strength for, still copying her actions. Leading up to the "employees only room" and unto the the living quarters of Anteiku — the second floor — another oak door greeted us like it did before. The same routine but with intense tension.

We halted to a stop, as Touka's slender fingers reached for the brass knob. With one fast jolt she opens it, the girl walks in and like I did before — imitated — her actions. My eyes surveyed the room, seeing it appears to be a small modern apartment for two.

She walks to the bed, swiping a new set of clothes "Here, take a shower over there" The purple haired girl known as Touka made tilting signals using her head to the other door next to the bed.

"And change into something more... decent" Touka's eyes  twitched, as she stared at me from head to toe her visible brow raised.

Seeing that weird look, she pointed to a small hand mirror placed on the counter top on the kitchenette (which I guess, wasn't used, just for decoration) "See for yourself"

A few steps from my trembling legs, I made my little journey.  Holding the petite mirror from my pasty white hands.

My jaw dropped — the orange light from the sun, seeped through the azure curtains — I can see why Touka gave off that kind of expression.

I looked like mess

Let me rephrase that, it's as if I looked like a hobo that's been thrown on a garbage compactor that miraculously made it out alive.

My aftermath of straight brown hair, shone stray streaks of ebony and made many odd styles. Its as if a rat made it's home on my head. Large bags of skin sagged below my eyes.

The Cause: obviously sleep deprivation. My teeth turning a horrible shade of yellow, as for my skin is riddled by grimy flecks of dirt and smudges.

Now as for my clothes torn and worn out was an understatement.

( I don't really wanna talk about it, just imagine one of the worst clothes you've scene after a massacre had ended and some clothes that were still usable found it's way from really poor hobos on the street) *no offense to hobo's intended*

"T-Thanks" I grabbed the spare garbs —while hiding the eminent embarrassment on my face — I bolted to the bathroom — locking it with great force.

As I headed for the shower stall, I stripped myself of the remaining soiled clothing I had on. Flicking on the switch on the hot water. It drenched my skin — turning to a bright red —steam rose from the emissions of the scalding liquids that jutted through the shower cap.

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