A Valuable Lesson in Family Values

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Levina and Roxanna had their schedules in their hands. They were comparing them to see what classes they had together. They were both disappointed when they only had five of their eight classes together, and only two of them were that day. Levina held onto her Spells book while Roxanna had her Transfiguration book.

"I guess I'll see you in Magical Theory," Roxanna said frowning.

"Yeah, see you then," Levina said looking at the ground.

They both hurried off in opposite directions. Levina wandered down the halls for a long time. She was certain that she was lost when she came upon a door with a sign saying room 304, the Spells classroom. She opened the door. The classroom was dark, and Professor Gotham sat at the front of the room behind a desk in a long black dress. Her jade eyes locked onto Levina as she walked into the classroom and to a desk.

"Name?" Professor Gotham asked. Her voice was mysterious, not quite feminine, but hardly a man's voice.

"Levina Eagle." She replied nervously.

Professor Gotham's mouth open as she recognized the last name. "Your brother was terrible in this class," she said, "and your father, he's well known."

"Really?" Levina asked curiously. She knew hardly anything about her father. Her mother almost never talked about him, and her grandparent's avoided the subject like the plague.

"If anyone did what he did they would be as infamous for their deeds," The woman said.

"What did he do?" Levina asked timidly.

Professor Gotham opened her mouth to answer just as Dante walked in. When he saw Levina he frowned. He wanted to be the first in the classroom. He took a seat next to Levina and smiled at her.

"Name?" Professor Gotham asked again.

"Dante Lopez."

"I went to school with your father," Professor Gotham said. "How has he been?"

"He's doing well. He told me to tell you not to go easy on me," Dante said smiling confidently.

Professor Gotham scoffed. "Cheeky as ever your father is. I suppose you're just like him," she said, and Dante nodded his head, "but you..." Professor Gotham stared at Levina. "You are nothing like your father."

Levina looked over at Dante in surprise. Dante shrugged and plopped his textbook on the desk. "What was my father like?" Levina asked.

"Is. He's still alive," Professor Gotham said. She frowned. "His sentence will be ending soon..."

"What did he do?" Levina asked again getting impatient.

Professor Gotham shook her head slowly. "He followed in the footsteps of his family," She said slowly.

Levina's brow furrowed at the vague answer, but before she could press for more answers Everette and Genevieve entered the room. Everette took a seat next to Levina and Genevieve took a seat next to him.


"Everette Davenport."

"Genevieve Bertilak."

More students filed into the classroom lead by a Pukwudgie with a very grim look on his face. "I found these first years wandering the halls looking lost," the Pukwudgie grumbled before leaving the room.

"Thank you, William," Professor Gotham said as the Pukwudgie slipped out the door.

The students took seats all around the room. "Names?"

Each student said his or her name in order from the front desk to the back desk. Professor Gotham watched lazily until it was over. "These will be your seats for the whole year. There will be no moving unless I say so," She said. "I will also expect you to never be late again. Being late will punished with detention after all your classes for the day are over."

Levina Eagle and the Thunderbird's GiftWhere stories live. Discover now