Outsmarting an Ogre

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Thanksgiving passed and November ended. The Thunderbird Quidditch team won against Horned Serpent and were set to play against Wampus as soon as they came back from Winter break which was in a couple of weeks. The attendance for Quidditch went down exponentially with the first Quadpots game. Thunderbird lost to Wampus, but Wampus lost against Horned Serpent so there was still some chance of winning for the Thunderbird Quadpots team.

Somehow the news of Judas Eagle escaping from prison was hushed up, and no one had any explanation for why they were sent back to their common rooms on Halloween except for crazy stories. The kids that saw Judas Eagle didn't have any clue who he was which was for the best.

It was the sixth of December when Levina got a letter from her mother.

"Dear Levina,

Please don't come home this year. There have been a lot of strange happening and your grandparents think it would be best if you stay at Ilvermorny. I've sent another letter to Dilan and he's staying too. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas at Ilvermorny.

Love Mom..." Levina read out loud. She frowned slightly and set the letter down. She was really looking forward to going home for Christmas. It was too cold here. There was snow on the ground and the lake was frozen. She never saw anything like it, and she hated it. She let out a sigh. At least she would have Balthazar to keep her company. Almost everyone went home for Christmas break. There were very few people that stayed.

As the of the first semester drew closer Midterms were on everyone's minds. Levina had Spells and Magical Theory on Monday, and she had Magic History and Transfiguration on Tuesday. On Wednesday she had Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions, and on Thursday she had Herbology and Magical Beasts. The time in the class periods didn't change, but there was more time to study between each class. None of the tests seemed too hard as they were given by MACUSA which didn't have a very high standard for Ilvermorny first years. Professor Frost complained they didn't challenge the students enough for her class which was probably true, but after all the hard classes at the beginning of the week, Levina was so grateful that her last two classes were easy.

So on Thursday after their Herbology midterm Levina, Roxanna, Balthazar, and a boy named Douglas Tremaine formed a study group, and they studied in the library. Douglas was a boy of few words, but he had a natural knack for magical creatures and was good friends with Balthazar. He was No-Maj born and one of the smartest in their class. He did not enjoy Ilvermorny very much, but he wanted to be fully in the Magical World upon graduation so he always did his work as soon as he could. His study habits were better than any of the other students besides maybe Nina and Genevieve. All of the group appreciated his notes because they were the best notes they had for Magical Beasts.

"Did you hear about what happened in New York?" Douglas asked in an uncharacteristic tangent about something other than their looming Midterm.

"No, what happened?" Everette asked.

"There was an Obscurus there and it was wrecking the city, but this English dude stopped it and used a Thunderbird to obliviate an entire city," Douglas replied.

None of them were surprised that he mentioned the only story in the news that mentioned Magical Beasts. How he got the information was beyond any of them since it wasn't in the day's news. Everette got a paper every day and read through it during breakfast.

At the word Thunderbird, Levina perked up. "Did he get it back to its home? The Thunderbird I mean," Levina asked.

"Home? I don't know. You could ask Professor Frost; apparently she knew the man from Hogwarts," Douglas replied. "I think his name was Newt Scamander."

Levina Eagle and the Thunderbird's GiftWhere stories live. Discover now