Will You Take Me to the Ball?

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The common room was filled with every student in Thunderbird celebrating their defeat of the Pukwudgie Quidditch team. The celebrations were loud and obnoxious, and Levina was shoved into the middle of it. Everette was everyone's hero.

Wilbur and Levina sat near Everette as he soaked up the praises of every student who cared about Quidditch. Wilbur tapped Levina's shoulder. "He's not gonna get big headed is he?" Wilbur asked.

Levina shrugged. "I sure hope not," She said.

"Have you got anyone to go to the dance with?" Wilbur asked.

Levina shook her head. "Everette asked me but I think it was just because he took some Proud Mary," She said.

"Do you want to go with someone on the team?" Wilbur asked.

Levina shrugged. "Maybe as friends," She said. "I don't think dating someone on the Quidditch team would be a very good idea."

"Oh, I guess you're right," Wilbur said slightly deflated.

Out of the corner of Levina's eye, she saw the two ghost that had haunted her the night before. Randall Edwuf stood grinning at her beside an oblivious Thunderbird student. Levina looked over at Petra who had a shocked look on her face. Scanning around the room she saw one other student with fear on his face. No one else could see the specters before them. Petra dodged through the room until she was right next to Levina.

"How come we're the only ones who can see them?" She asked.

"I don't know. I think that kid over there can see them too," Levina said quietly.

Levina and Petra pushed through the crowd until the were next to the boy. "You can see the ghosts too," Petra whispered into his ear.

He looked at her in surprise. "Yeah, who are they?" He asked.

"Randall Edwuf and Jared Eagle," Levina whispered. "Can we go somewhere that doesn't have the entire house surrounding us to talk?"

The boy nodded quickly. The group of three walked towards the exit of the common room.

"Where are you going?" Wilbur asked as Levina passed him.

"I'll be right back; I have to deal with this real quick," She said.

Wilbur nodded confused. Levina, Petra, and the boy got out of the common room and walked down the corridor for a bit until they were completely alone.

"First off what's your name?" Levina asked. "I'm Levina Eagle and this is Petra Stone."

The boy hesitated for a moment. "Bobby Johnson," He replied.

"Robert Lee Johnson will burn in hell..."

"Was your father's name Robert Lee Johnson?" Levina asked.

Bobby nodded his head. "Yeah, but I never met him. He died before I was born," He replied.

"I think at least one of each of our relatives names are on the walls," Levina said slowly realizing their connection.

"Really?" Petra said surprised.

"Ida Stone, Robert Lee Johnson, and Jared and Judas Eagle..." Levina said naming off who she saw.

"Ida Stone is my mother," Petra said. "I don't know my dad. She never learned who he was."

"So all of our parents are on the wall," Levina said clarifying.

"What wall?" Bobby asked.

"I guess now's as good of time as any to show you," Levina said heading to where she found the room.

Levina Eagle and the Thunderbird's GiftWhere stories live. Discover now