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Fredag 00:44

The sound of my phone woke me up from my slumber I looked at the screen to see William flash "Hai" my voice was quite raspy "Hey T, um Chris got into a fight with the yakuza guys and-" I gasped and cut off William "Is he okay?"  "Yeah he's fine I'm bringing him home ok?" "Yeah it's fine are you okay?" I asked worriedly "Yeah on a date with Noora the whole time remember?" Oh right he was "Oh right just hurry home" with that the call ended.

I worry a lot about William, the yakuza guys are older and they beat up the innocent, the fact that Chris got hurt and the other penetrators too scares me because what if William is next? I sat  on the sofa in deep thought till I heard someone call my name I stood up quickly and rushed to help William, I looked over at Chris his right eye was bruised there was a cut on his nose too. "I got it from here William" I took Chris to my bathroom in my room. I took out band-aids, cotton balls, & aloe gel I use on cuts. "Sit" I directed Chris, he jumped onto the counter and opened his legs a bit to aide his face. I grabbed a cotton ball and ran it under the water "This may sting" I slowly & carefully cleaned up the dry blood as I slowly cleaned the blood on his nose, Chris hissed and wrapped his arm around my waist clutching onto my oversized shirt. "Becklager" I muttered he let go of my shirt but instead of unwrapping his arms around my waist he started to rub my back as I concentrated on getting the blood off. "You look cute, all concentrated" Chris said with a smirk "Oh hush I'm trying to aide you." he chuckled at my answer causing me to smile a little.

"All done" I said it was 2:24 in the morning I told Chris to wait and let William know I was done cleaning Chris up I went to knock on his door "William, I'm done cleaning Chris up" no response great he's asleep. "Um he's asleep I guess you could stay over." I let Chris know as I got into bed "I can um sleep on the sofa" Chris suggested pointing at the sofa in my room "It's fine Chris you can sleep here" I patted the space next to me. "O-Okay" he stuttered getting into bed "I'll leave my clothes on" Chris said slipping under the cover "What ever make's you comfortable, If you want I can lock the door so William doesn't walk in and get the wrong idea" I suggested getting up to lock the door. I got back into bed and watched Chris undress out of his jeans and penetrator hoodie. He got back into bed and pulled the cover over us, I turned to face him "What did the yakuza guys use know?" I touched his bruised face slowly with one finger "A knife" Chris muttered I gasped A FUCKING KNIFE. "They were looking for William, there was two of us versus them" they took a beating for William. "At least your okay, I was really worried when William called and said you were hurt the first question I asked was If you were okay" I answered truthfully. "I'm okay, you helped clean me up" he said with a smirk he leaned forward and kissed my forehead "Goodnight Taytum" his right arm draped across my waist pulling me closer to him. "Goodnight Chris"

Mandag 11:45 

I was already at school, since William said he'll be coming late I was talking to the girls well mostly Noora not paying any attention to what Vilde was saying. I heard Sana say "Isn't that William's car?" all heads turn to my brother and the penetrators Chris looked over at me and winked "Taytum" I heard my brother call motioning to follow him I bid a goodbye to the girls and followed my brother and his group. "Why were you late dumbass" I whacked the back of William's head "Cause, I had to pick up the guys" he was seating on the lunch table along side Chris, the bell rang signaling to go to class "I gotta go to Norwegian, and William please go to class don't ditch" I began to walk away till Chris said "We have Norwegian togetherrr" dragging out the r, oh great.

Onsdag 12:55

Vilde was rambling about who William may be dating and said the girl has to skinny and like a model like Noora. Noora told her to stop judging others over their looks about being too thick or thin. "Taytum your brother is having a party on fredag right?" Vilde questioned a "Yeah" I looked over at Noora she quickly shook her head no, "So pre party at Eva's?" Eva declined saying her mom is home and Noora lied and said she wasn't going. "Well I have B-building bye bye" Vilde took her stuff and headed off, "Fucking hell it's you isn't it?" Nora face dropped at what Eva said Noora looked over at me "You're dating William" Eva exclaimed and looked over at me "Did you know?" I put my hands up saying I didn't know. "Hallo okay, we've been on one date and I did it for Vilde" Noora said and sighed "Why for Vilde?" Eva questioned I then answered "Because he only apologized to Vilde because Noora here promised my brother a date in exchange for apologizing"  "THIS IS LIKE GOSSIP GIRL" Noora HATES gossip girl  "That is why I can't come to the party if he makes a move Vilde will realize it's me the mystery girl" Noora sighed "This is like a budget version of gossip girl" Eva said as we head to class.

Fredag 21:47

"Noora you're late" I hugged her  "Where's William?" she shouted over the music, I looked around and pointed at the living room. After Jonas and some guy Halvor started fighting and I had to break it up the cops came. "Hvem er du?" the cop asked "Taytum" I answered "Taytum, Axel" "The party you're having here you have to put an end to it." I sighed again really? The cops kicked everyone out as I followed Noora showing her the tour of our apartment since Eva had all her stuff. We saw Chris making out with two girls, "Chris" I heard William say "It's time to leave, Taytum drop him home" I scoffed at William "Alvor?" I questioned "Yes now go" he wants alone time with Noora okay, could've asked for me to go somewhere else other than drop Chris off. I grabbed my purse and keys before heading out the door. When we got downstairs I looked at the two girls Chris had made out with and said "You two are NOT getting into my G-wagon my brother said to drop Chris home not chris and these two hoes so find your own way home" I grabbed Chris and unlocked my car signaling for Chris to get in. When I sat in the drivers seat Chris said " You don't have to be jealous babe" I scoffed "Oh please Schistad why would I be jealous? If anything I think you'd be jealous if I made out with someone" I started the car put it in drive and headed to Chris's place.  

Once we got to our destination William texted.

From Big bro to Lil sis- Noora is sleeping over DON'T come home, see you tomorrow little sis sleep over at Chris's. 

To Big bro - you owe me BIG TIME 

I looked over at Chris "I guess I'm staying over" herregud kill myself. Chris unlock his apartment and headed in I took off my steve madden heels and left them by the doorway, he locked the door and took off his shoes. "I can sleep on the sofa" Chris suggested "Oh it's fine I mean we shared a bed before right?" Chris nodded and took off his clothes I didn't want to sleep in my clothes a body con dress isn't comfortable to sleep in. "Can I borrow one of your shirts it's quite uncomfortable to sleep in this" I said "Yeah of course" he handed me one of his shirts turning around to let me change, wow can the Christoffer Schistad be a gentleman? "Chris can you unzip my dress please" I turned around and put my hair on the side, "Uh- y-y-yeah" he stuttered making me giggle. The sound of the zipper filled the silent room I whispered a thank you and slip off my dress and put Chris's shirt on it was big on me of course it when till mid-thigh "You look good in my shirt" Chris commented as I got into bed all I had on was a matte lipstick nothing else. I faced Chris he smiled a little and let his arm rest on my waist pulling me closer to him, deja vu this happened lørdag morning when I let him stay over. "Goodnight Chris" I said closing my eyes "Goodnight babygirl"


Two updates in ONE DAY and feels goodnight babygirl and lol @ William for telling Taytum to leave so Noora can stay over and YES Taytum tell those høes off! lol I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!!


Mine // Chris SchistadWhere stories live. Discover now