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Søndag 12:24

You. I. Like. You.

The sun light crept through the curtains, it made Chris's skin glow. It's been two weeks since Chris told me he liked me. Small snores left Chris's lips, I stared in an awe "You're staring" Chris said while his eyes were still closed. "Am not" I said, Chris opened one of his eyes I then immediately closed my eyes Chris chuckled lightly "Taytum Alexa Magnusson" I opened my eyes to look at Chris talking with his eyes closed. "Now you be careful" "Because you're gonna be so damn in love with me." Chris finished "No,I'm not in love with you" I said and pulled the covers over my head. Chris then copied my actions I felt him slip his arm around my waist to pull me closer I squealed a little "You will be" he whispered and placed a light kiss onto my forehead. "Now let's eat brunch."

"You look fuckable in my shirt" Chris said as I backwashed a little bit on my coffee, "Um don't I always look fuckble?" I replied with that Chris smirked and pulled me closer to his chest and smashed his lips onto mines, it was slow and passionate. Well it was going great till the smell of something burning made me try to break the kiss. "Chris-" "the" "bacon" "burning" I said in-between kisses. "Shit" Chris quickly pulled away to turn the stove off, "Let me cook and don't distract me" I said pointing my finger at Chris's face like he was a little kid. "As you wish my queen" Chris said and kissed my cheek.

Staring. A good staring, the silence filled the air as Chris and I ate our brunch, cheese omelets with bacon crispy but not burnt along with coffee. Our meal leaned more towards breakfast than brunch though Chris didn't seem to mind. "You're staring" I said as I took a piece of bacon and at it with a piece of my omelet, "You're staring" Chris replied back. "Oh shut up you started it staring at me while I was eating that is very very uncomfortable." I said as I sipped on my coffee, "But you find me comfortable" Chris said with a cocky grin. "Please Mr.Schistad eat your food" my cheeks turing a crimson red.

Mandag 07:43

"How was staying at Chris's?" William said as I screamed, "William are you trying to kill me? IT WAS SO QUIET AND HERE YOU ARE SCARING ME" my hands flaring in the air. "Well, are you gonna answer my question?" William asked, "It was good we talked and yeah." I said while rubbing my forearm, William simply nodded. "Have you talked to Noora?" I asked ever since Niko's big dramatic scene with Noora and Noora and William not talking since the bottle smashing he's been quite. William doesn't know what happened but he may find out sooner or later...

 William doesn't know what happened but he may find out sooner or later

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@Taytumm - I'm gonna rip his heart out.

@Nooraloglady - Damn

@Nooraloglady - Murderous aren't you?

@Taytumm - No, Maybe. @Nooraloglady

@ChrisSchistad - Damn babe thought you loved me?

@Taytumm - Straight murda yah @ChrisSchistad

Fredag 14:15

Usual hangout by the window. Noora informed me that she talked to Niko and that it went well, though he didn't give her much information from that night. Though  we told her to talk to Mari, she was hanging out in the quad with others. Noora fell quiet when her phone went off, "Noora? What's wrong?" I asked her face was filled with confusion "Niko texted me" I quickly reached over and grabbed her phone. "Nice to see you yesterday. I hope you and William become happy together" I looked up at Noora and Sana "He told William oh shit" I said and quickly handed the phone to Noora. Just then my brother came down "William please lis-" I said but got cut off "Taytum stay out of this" he said in a stern voice that scared me a little, he would never use such tone towards me. "William plea-" I grabbed his forearm as he quickly pulled away "Stay. Out." he said again. "Tell me you didn't sleep with my brother" William said looking Noora right in her eyes. "I will explain everything"  "You didn't sleep with him?" "I don't know". With that William walked off Noora quickly followed after him as I trailed after him too. "William please listen to me please" I pleaded Noora attempted to jump on William as she quickly shook her off. When Noora fell I quickly told her I'll talk to him for her.

"William for god sakes listen to me, please?" I yelled as he turned around. "You KNEW all this time what was happening yet you didn't tell me?" William yelled "William I-I'm sorry please William listen to me, Mar-Mari was there Noora was gonna ask her what had happened so please  William please don't give up on Noora" I pleaded. "How can I not give up when she could've slept with Niko?" William asked, "Would you seriously believe Niko? Niko is a liar William and you know it, we nearly died don't you remember? Once he got Amelia killed I hated him ever since then" I yelled. "I'm going to London for a few days" William said I scoffed "No,no you aren't gonna run away from your problems" I screamed at William who was walking off "Oh yeah? Well I could say the same for you sis, you RAN from your problems why can't I do the same?" William replied and quickly got into his car and drove off.

I ran back to school to find Noora. "Noora, h-he said he's going to London for a few days" I said as I hugged Noora, "Go talk to Mari please? To clear everything up" Noora simply nodded and hugged me.

Fredag 20:47

I tossed and turn in bed William had left right after school. I sighed and texted Chris to come over. About ten minutes later Chris arrived as I quickly engulfed him into a hug, and pulled him into my bedroom he took off his penetrator sweatshirt and gave it to me to wear I quickly turned around took off my current shirt and put the sweatshirt on. "William went to London because I-I didn't tell him about what happened with Noora and Niko a-a-and I think he's mad" I said as a few tears slipped out of my eyes which Chris quickly wiped away. "It's alright princess, he'll forgive you I know he will" Chris ran his hand through my hair "Give him some time okay?" Chris said and kissed my forehead. "Now go to sleep princess, I'm here for you I won't leave okay?" Chris said in a hushed voice, I snuggled into Chris as my head rest on his chest. "Goodnight Chris" I whispered "Goodnight babygirl" Chris said as he ran his fingers through my hair with that I fell into a deep slumber.


Parallels of Noorhelm and yet Taytum and Chris aren't official yet oh gosh

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Parallels of Noorhelm and yet Taytum and Chris aren't official yet oh gosh.But will something come between them? OOO *warning spoiler-ish* You've been warned.Plus I've had the LONGEST writers-block so I finally wrote Chapter 12 after like a week? Lol hoped you all enjoyed !


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