Romione ~ Started Feelings

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A/N so Romione is ma first drabbles cause they were my first OTP :D This is about how Hermione and Ron started liking eachother before Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Hermione stared out the window of her family's car.  It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky.  She was heading to Ron's house for the last couple weeks of summer until her 6th year at Hogwarts, which she was super excited about.  Hermione loved staying at the Weasley's house.  There were so many people, noise, magic, and something exciting happening in almost every room of the house.  It was a lot different than her own house, which was always quiet and boring since she was an only child, and no offense to her parents or anything, but they were muggles.  

"Are you excited to see Ron?" Hermione's mum turned around and said.

"Of course," replied Hermione, "I'm excited to see everybody."

"But especially Ron, right?"

"Er, why are you so obsessed with Ron?" Hermione asked.  Her mum liked to talk about Ron a lot.  She liked how nice he acted.  Of course he only acted like that around her parents, if only her mum knew how stupid he really was.

"He's a nice boy!"

"Okay," was all Hermione said.  She really didn't want to get in to this right now.  Plus, they were pulling in the drive way, and Hermione couldn't really focus on anything besides her excitement.  The car barely stopped before she jumped out and knocked on the door.  

Mrs. Weasley answered the door with a giant hug.  "Hello, Dear!" 

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley!  Where are Ron and Harry?"

"Ron's upstairs in his room, Harry won't be here until Tuesday, Dear."

"Oh," Hermione said, "Well, uh, I'll be with Ron then."  She quickly hugged and kissed her parents before grabbing her bags and heading upstairs.

After the long flight of stairs with her heavy baggage, Hermione finally reached Ginny's room and dropped her stuff off.  Ginny wasn't in there so she didn't stop and chat. 

Ron was sitting on his bed playing some sort of magical game boy when Hermione walked in.  He hadn't heard her so when she said "Hey, Ron," he sat up so fast, his head bumped the low sealing.  Hermione laughed.  Ron tried keeping a scowl on his face but he was so happy to see her that he had to grin.  He walked over and gave her an awkward hug.  When they separated Ron's ears turned red and Hermione stifled a cough.  

"Wanna go outside?  My room's kinda stuffy." Ron said.  Hermione nodded and they walked to the swing set in thebig  tree right outside Ron's house.  

As they swung, they talked about their summers.  Ron's was a lot more interesting than Hermione's.  Hermione really only spent her summer reading books.  Every time she would gasp and say "I read the most amazing book...!" Ron's eyes would glaze over.  But every time Ron told one of his stories about Fred and George hanging him by one foot on a tree branch (using magic of course.  Fred and George are now graduated from Hogwarts so they can use magic outside of school.  Hermione was so jealous), Ron putting a gnome in Ginny's room, and the Twins putting on fireworks for the family, Hermione couldn't stop listening.  

Hermione couldn't stop laughing at Ron's stories.  One moment she was laughing so hard Ron had to stop speaking.  When she looked over at him he was staring at her, grinning.  She got kind of a leap in her stomach by this which surprised her a lot.  They kept looking at each other and Hermione thought Ron was about to kiss her, when George walks up and starts singing "Ron and Hermione sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." 

Ron's ears turned bright red.  "Shut up, George.  Why are you even over here?" 

"Mum says dinner's ready," George replies.  So they all walk back to the house to the delicious smell of dinner and take their seats at the table.  Hermione sat next to Ginny and Ron sat across from her.  Mrs. Weasley had made green bean casserole with mashed potatoes.  Everyone dove in.  There was around 5 minutes of silence as everyone stuffed their face with food.  

When they all calmed down a little bit, Mr . Weasley started asking Hermione about the muggle world like he always does.  Hermione occasionally glanced at Ron who was always staring at her and would look away when she looked at him.  Fred and George told everyone about their joke shop that's opening in just a few days.  

After dinner, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny went to the pond.  It was hot enough outside to go night swimming, but they just played a bunch of kid games like Tag, Hide and go Seek, and who-can-climb-the-highest.  

Basically it was just Ron versus Hermione with everything because in Tag they would just go after each other, in Hide and go Seek they would hide with each other, and Ginny complained about not having a broom when they were climbing trees.  So eventually Ginny just left and Ron and Hermione thought it wouldn't be fun playing all these with just two people so they climbed up the tree, sat on branches next to each other with other branches behind them so they could lean back, and just started talking.  

"You know, we've never really hung out much just us two," Ron started.  "There's always someone else around, or we're fighting over something."

"Yea, this is probably the longest we've ever gone with out arguing!" Hermione laughed.

Ron smiled.  "I really like your laugh," he blurted out.  Hermione could even see how red his ears were in the dark.  Her heart just sped up like times 5.

"Good, because when I'm not focusing on how much of an idiot you are, you make me laugh a lot."

"Well, I'm a pretty funny guy." Hermione laughed again.  Did she fancy Ron?  Did he fancy her?  Just a couple years ago Hermione would have never wanted to think like this but now...

"Ron!  Hermione! We have a Surprise!"  Mrs.  Weasley yelled, interrupting Hermione's thoughts.  Honestly, she wanted to sit in that tree with Ron all night, but she started climbing down anyway, Ron right behind her.   

When they arrived at the house, Harry was standing in the living room, and Hermione knew she wasn't going to be with Ron alone anymore.  

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