Chapter Four- Rediscovered Love

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Cas woke up the next morning to a fiery halo shining through his bedroom window. He looked at the clock and saw that it was a 10:30, a little later than Cas usually wakes up. But that's fine. He crawled out of bed and walked into the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker. While his coffee was brewing, he walked into the bathroom and ran his hands through his hair. Cas had his date with Dean that night, so he decided to have a bit of a lazy day until he had to get ready.

So instead of taking a shower and getting dressed, Cas headed to the kitchen and opened the cabinet to get a pan. He walked over to the fridge and took out a carton of eggs, and some bread from another cabinet. He turned the knob on the stove and a heard a crackling noise as a flame ignited, and cracked a few eggs and began to make himself some scrambled eggs. While they were cooking, Cas put two pieces of bread into the toaster and poured his cup of coffee. Once everything was done cooking, he sat down at his small table which sat behind his living room couch. Cas turned on the TV and began to watch the news like he did every morning.

While spreading butter and jam onto his toast, Cas listened to the news lady speak. "Devastating car crash this morning on Page Mill Road after a collision with a drunk driver. The drunk driver and one of the young men in the other car were killed instantly, the other young man is currently at Stanford Medical Hospital in critical condition."

Cas sighed and turned off the TV, deciding he didn't want to hear any sad news. So instead of watching TV, Cas daydreamed about Dean and their date later that night.


The clock read 4:30. Cas was more nervous than excited about this date. He wasn't at all anxious earlier in the day but as he was showering to get ready, nervous questions ran through his head. He took the time he spent picking out his clothes to calm himself down.

"Okay, this is just a burger place. Casual. But also something that Dean would find attractive." Cas whispered to himself as he opened his closet.

All Cas really wore was button down shirts with his trenchcoat. So he decided to wear what he wore pretty much every day- a blue button down shirt with black pants. As Cas buttoned the last button on his shirt, he walked out into his living room and sat down on the couch. Dean was picking him up at 5:30, in fifteen minutes. So Cas figured he'd call Anna and see what she was doing.

The phone rang as Cas waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" Anna answered.

"Hey, Anna." Cas said. "I'm currently waiting to be picked up to go on a date... so I figured I'd call and see what you've been up to."

"Oh, a date, huh? Who is she? Did you meet at the bar? I know I met someone that night." She paused for a second. "I mean, I haven't seen him since, but that's not the point. Anyway, who's the lucky lady?"

'Uh, yeah we met at the bar that night." Cas remembered that Anna didn't know he was gay. He didn't want to tell her over the phone though. So instead he decided not to tell her. "Uh, actually I think they're here... So I'll talk to you again later."

"Oh, well, okay then. Bye, Cas." She said.



About five minutes later, Dean's black impala pulled up in front of Cas's house. He saw Dean get out of the Car and bend over to check his hair in the car mirrors. Cas just assumed that Dean must've been nervous. Which was strange considering how confident he usually seemed. But Cas was nervous too. He took a few deep breaths as Dean walked up towards Cas's front door.

The doorbell rang and Cas waited a second before opening the door so it didn't seem like he'd been watching Dean. When Cas opened the door, he saw Dean standing there looking at his feet. Dean's bright green eyes met with Cas's and a smile spread across Dean's face.

"Hey, Cas."

"Hey. Ready to go?" Cas asked while he put on his jacket.

"Yeah." Dean said, leading the way to the car.

Dean didn't really dress up or anything. He was wearing a similar tight fitting black t-shirt like the one from when they met, with a blue flannel, green canvas jacket, and jeans. It was simple and a lot more casual looking than what Cas was wearing, but the look suited Dean.

"So where are we going?" Cas said, breaking the silence.

"Oh it's called The Roadhouse. It's just a burger place, I've been coming since I was a kid. Plus the owners are some family friends."

Dean pulled into a parking spot and they got out of the car. Dean started walking towards the door, and opened it for Cas before walking in.

"Thank you, Dean." Cas said.

The restaurant was smaller, and it looked more like a bar than a restaurant. The walls were painted a sandy beige, except for one which was covered in a deep brown shiplap. Against the shiplap wall was a bar with tall stools, but none of the stools matched. The place seemed just a little run down but not in a bad way. The floors were also a deep wood, and there was a pool table and a poker table on one side of the room.

A young girl stood behind the bar, maybe 23 years old. She had blonde hair with a slight wave that stopped a bit below her shoulders. She wore a simple black tank top and had a thin frame but she seemed strong. "Dean! What a surprise to see you here." She walked around the bar and gave Dean a hug.

"Hey, Jo. Long time, no see." Dean says. He looks over to me before saying "Oh, this is Cas. My, uh, my date."

"Well hello, Cas. I'm Jo, nice to see Dean's actually talking to people again after... what happened."

Dean elbowed Jo and bent over to whisper something.

"Oh god." Jo said. "Sorry Dean I didn't realize you hadn't told him."

Cas was confused, was Dean hiding something from him? Was there something that Cas should know? "What are you talking about? Is there something you're not telling me, Dean?"

"Uh, listen, Cas. I promise I'll tell you later tonight, but only because it's kind of sad, and I don't want to change the mood of things." Dean responded hesitantly.

There was a brief silence before anyone said anything. "So on that note," Jo started, taking menus from the bar. "I guess I'll show you two to your table."

She led Dean and Cas to a high-top table with old chairs, and they sat across from each other. "I'll let you look over the menu, so I'll be back in a bit." Jo said, walking back towards the bar.

Dean took a lighter out of his coat pocket and lit the candle that was sitting on their table. Dean looked up at Cas, and leaned back into his chair. "So, Cas, what do you plan on doing with your life?"

"Uh, well as you know, I just graduated from Stanford. I want to be a detective or something like that. Seems like a great job. But, to be honest, I don't have a ton of specific details planned out for my future. What about you? You don't seem like someone who would plan everything out, but still. What are you thinking of doing with your life?"

"I'm pretty good with cars, I mean I work at a car shop already. Maybe one day I'll open up my own. Fixing cars seems to be one of the few things I'm good at."

"I'm sure you're good at a bunch of things."

"Not really. But, thanks. Anyway, I'm just gonna go with the flow I guess."

"So, Dean, I really am not in the mood to talk, so how about you tell me about yourself instead. I'd listen to your stories all night."

And Cas didn't really listen. Dean was telling a story about something he did with friends in college. Cas was a bit unsure what it was about exactly, but that didn't matter. When Dean told his stories, Cas was able to stare into his piercing green eyes and their gorgeous golden flecks. Cas didn't really process what Dean's gravely voice was saying, but he was enjoying the sound of it. How Dean's low voice made his spine tingle.


After such an amazing date, you'd expect the car ride back would be just as exciting. The car ride seemed silenced, and longer than the ride there. After Dean told Cas his secret, the mood changed completely. Cas didn't know how to feel about it either. Should he feel sorrow? Happiness? Sympathetic? He was unsure, but what he did know was that he could feel himself falling for Dean anyway.

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