Chapter Six- Time Together

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It had been six months since Cas and Dean's "first date". Seven months since Cas had met the man who he found himself falling in love with. He thought it funny that he once believed that he would never see Dean again. He thought it was only going to last that one night. But what started as a one night It had been six months since Cas and Dean's "first date". Seven months since Cas had met the man who he found himself falling in love with. He thought it funny that he once believed that he would never see Dean again. He thought it was only going to last that one night. But what started as a one night stand had turned into a deep connection. It had turned into a physical and an emotional need for the other person. Cas needed Dean's touch, and Dean needed Cas to support him. Dean and Cas had began discovering layers of each other that were usually hidden.

Dean seemed so masculine and strong. But Cas had really allowed him to open up, allowed him to let Cas see his softer side, and that he needed someone to support him.

Cas seemed like his life was so well thought out and put together, but Dean could see that Cas was stressed and was just trying to get through life.


"So, Dean, what you think?"

Dean stood up from the couch and scratched his head. "Hmm.."

"I know it's a lot. It's a big step. But I think that we're ready."

"Are you sure, Cas? Not that I wouldn't love to move in with you, but I don't know if we're ready." Dean walked back over to Cas and took his Cas's hands into his own.

"But I think we are." Cas whispered. "Imagine it. Waking up next to each other every morning, getting up early and making breakfast together, decorating a place just for us, kissing you goodbye before work each day, maybe we could even get a dog or a cat or something. Doesn't that sound nice, Dean?"

"Of course it does, baby." Dean let go of Cas's hands and sat back down on the couch. "Of course that sounds nice, but what if we aren't ready?"

"I understand if you don't want to, Dean."

Dean laughed. "What if you're secretly a slob or a hoarder?"

Cas smiled and laughed. "I swear I'm not a slob, or a hoarder. I'm a pretty organized person most of the time."

"I know, I'm just teasing you."

Cas walked over to the couch and sat down next to Dean. He didn't say anything for a moment, he just sat there with his hand on Dean's thigh. "How about this- you can stay two nights at my place, and see how that goes. Then we'll decide if we're ready to move in together."

Dean stared into Cas's big diamond blue eyes. "Ok, but only because I love sharing a bed with you." Dean said with a smirk on his face. He kissed Cas's neck and forehead, standing up. "I'll go pack a bag."

So Dean walked into the bedroom, picking his backpack up off the coffee table as he walked by.


Cas unlocked the door of his apartment and turned the doorknob, pushing open the door. As they took off their jackets, Dean set his backpack of clothes and things on the little coffee table by the couch. He turned on his phone to check the time, 6:35pm.

"So, what are we having for dinner, then?" Cas asked, looking over at Dean.

"Hm, well if we end up living together, we can't order out every night." Dean said, walking over to Cas. "So, how about one night I make dinner, and tomorrow night you can."

"Ooh. Sounds good. I already know what I'm gonna make." Cas said as he walked away to go sit on the couch.

Cas grabbed the remote from the table and turned on Chopped. He looked over his shoulder, back at Dean, who was still standing across the room. "Well are you gonna stand there or come and watch Chopped with me?" He asked, patting the spot next to him on the couch.

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