I am skipping to the first day of summer. cuz I dont know what to write kk. :P
Amber's POV
Finally! The first day of summer! I get to sleep in and not have to worry about school, or that bitch Lauren, and I now I'm officially a high schooler!
I also got a little kitten! His name is Mufasa and he is the cutest little fluff ball ever!
I actually found him outside one day and I had to help him. He could of died!
Also bad things have been happening.
My mom is already dating a guy, and she got divorced like 2 weeks ago!
That's just messed up! Yeah, his name Daryl.
Daryl Richards.
I mean he is really nice and cool, but I'm really uncomfortable seeing my mom with another man already!
"Kids come down here I need to tell you something important!" I heard my mom yell.
When I was walking downstairs guess who I saw.
Daryl, great.
What if they are getting married!
No. No. That's definitely not happening they just met!
This isn't Match.com!
"What's so important?" Myles asked.
My mom looked excited.
Oh, no they are getting married!
Bitch say what?
This is a lot to take in.
I just moved.
My moms new boyfriend.
Being friends with Clay LaBrant.
Now my moms pregnant!
I'm truly happy for her but we always hate having the thoughts of our parents having sex.
I also always wanted to have another sibling.
So I just decided to be happy for her.
"CONGRATS!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.
Oh, shit I totally forgot! Tonight's our end of school dance!
I probably shouldn't go. I'm going to be alone anyways.
I know Clay won't ask me it's too late, and he probably already asked some pretty girl.
I did make some friends but they got dates so we couldn't go as a group.
I decided to go to Starbucks.
When I walked outside I couldn't believe what I saw.
Clay's POV
Tonight is our end of school dance and I am planning to ask out Amber.
I know she doesn't have a date or else she would have told me.
Amber and I have gotten really really close.
She's like my best friend, but I really want to be more than friends with her.
I just don't know if she feels the same way or if she will even go with me to the dance!
I decided to take a chance. I bought some roses to give to her, because she likes roses.
I was getting ready to ring the doorbell when I heard,
"I'm pregnant!"
wait, what?
Then "Congrats" was screeched really loud.
Did I here what I think I did?
I then heard "I'm going to get Starbucks."
That was Amber's voice I could tell it was so sweet.
The doorknob twisted.
Ok, this is the time to ask her to the dance.
"whoa! oh! hi Clay!" Amber said shocked while looking at my roses.
"Amber, will you please go to the dance with me?" I could barely say.
I handed her the roses while doing a little side smile.
"Yes! I would love to!" She said so sweetly.
I wanted to die, I can't believe she actually said yes!
I felt arms wrapped around me.
Amber was hugging me. I couldn't help but hug her back tightly. I feel so happy right now!
Sorry this is just a filler! I can't believe her mom is pregnant! I don't know if Amber should have a baby sister or a baby brother! Well I'll decide later! byez!

When I Moved (Clay Labrant)
Fanfiction~COMPLETED~. Amber's mom decided that they needed a change after her dad left her. They move to Troy, Alabama. Amber felt lucky enough that she is living in the same town that Clay LaBrant lives in. But then she fin...