Lexie's POV
I can't believe what Alex did.
He's so cute.
I kissed him in the cheek and he blushed!
I made him blush!
"Umm so what should we do now?" I asked him.
"This." was all he said then he started to lean in.
I couldn't help but then in also. I knew what was was happening. I stopped leaning in when I felt his lips on mine.
The kiss was warm, gently, but rough and made me feel fuzzy in the inside. This lingered for awhile.
Good thing I wore my strawberry lipgloss.
Sadly the kiss ended.
We both smiled at each other.
"Ummm you're a really good kisser." he said to me.
I just laughed a little. "you too, let's go on some more rides." I said.
We held hands and took off to the rides.
I was still holding the bunny Alex got me. I'm naming him Felix because I like that name.
Gabby's POV
Colton called me pretty!
What the fuck is going on? Does he really like me? Well, he did say I was pretty. Maybe he does like me.
I didn't know what to say back so I just told him he was cute and all.
He put his arm around me. HIS arm around ME!
He made me all warm on the inside.
"So uh how about more rides?" he asked.
"Yeah! Lets go!" This is officially the best day ever!
Amber's POV
Clay and I have been riding rides for hours and it was starting to get dark.
Still we haven't seen the others. It's like they are hiding from us. Then I saw something I was looking for.
"Finally a photo booth!" I shouted and dragged Clay to it.
"Yay!" He said sarcastically.
He's only acting like this because he's tired. Boyfriends are such a pain!
We got inside the photo booth inserting $5.
1st photo: Funny faces.
2nd photo: Duck face and peace sign.
3rd: I kissed Clay on the cheek while he was smiling.
4th photo: Clay kissed my cheek while I made a shocked face.
5th photo: Another funny face.
6th photo: We kissed.
We got out and looked at the photos. They were so cute.
"Awe." Clay said as he looked at the photos.
"This one is my favorite!" He side pointing at the last photo we took.
"Mine too!" That photo was cute.
"Do you wanna leave now?" I asked Clay.
He looked really tired.
"Yeah, we'll just text the others that we are leaving and they can come back whenever." Clay said.
I agreed with him I didn't want to ruin what they were doing. If they were doing something.
A: hey Lexie! Clay and I are heading out but you can come back whenever you want! have fun :)
L: ok! have fun! but not much too much fun :) I'm not ready to be an aunt! and I kissed Alex!
A: Congrats! and trust me I'll have fun! :)
Lexie made me laugh a lot.
The most fun I'll have when I get to the house is falling asleep and now time to text gabby. I wonder what sexual remark she will say.
A: me and Clay r heading out. u can come back whenever.
G: have fun :)
A: u 2 :) if I don't see you tonight I'll check Colton's house ;)
Me and Clay walked back to my house. He had already texted Colton and Alex.
They probably said the same thing Gabby and Lexie said.
I put the pictures from the photo booth and put them on my photo board.
Then changed to comfy clothes. I went back downstairs to see Clay already crashed on the couch.
I didn't want to leave him out here alone even though the others would be back.
So I grabbed blankets. I threw one over Clay and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I went to the other couch, laid down and fell asleep.
Sorry this is short. I had a longer chapter but I forgot to save it :/ and I didn't feel like rewriting the whole thing. but on the bright side! I'm halfway to 1K! haha that rhymed! thank you so much for that. please VOTE AND COMMENT!

When I Moved (Clay Labrant)
Fanfiction~COMPLETED~. Amber's mom decided that they needed a change after her dad left her. They move to Troy, Alabama. Amber felt lucky enough that she is living in the same town that Clay LaBrant lives in. But then she fin...