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By the way yang gatau Madison Beer yang mana, ada di media yah!

Grayson's Pov

I'm like the happiest boy alive, because gue udah baikan sama Madison. Well, yeah I used to mad at her, because fuck, I used to have feelings for her, tapi dia cuman ngemake gue buat dapetin Ethan that's why I decided to broke our friendship. But Gue gabakal ngerugi-in kesempatan kedua gue. But in the same time, gue mau Avery.

Stop, Gray, Avery cuman mainin lo. Mending lo sama Madison aja

"Mads? Tadi lo mau blg apaan tentang Avery?" I said as I started to drive the car out of the school.

"Speaking of the devil, so believe me or not gray, kemaren tuh Mason, mantan nya Avery ngajakin dia taruhan buat dapetin lo. Malah katanya dia mau nerima taruhan itu juga biar dia juga bisa deket sama Ethan. so gue gamau sahabat gue dijadiin bahan taruhan makanya gue ngajakin lo ngomong Gray.."

I tighten my grip to the steering wheel. Gue ganyangka Avery bakal nerima that kind of bet. Even if it's for her own good, tapi dia naruhin gue. What did I do to deserve this?

"Graybae? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Mads, let's just change the topic shall we? Gue gamau lagi seneng seneng sama lo malah jatohnya bete"

"Aye aye captain!"

"But wait, Mads, what about our detention?"

"Santai tar kita balik aja ke sekolah, gimanaa?"

Avery's Pov

Gue harus nyari Claire. Gue harus minta bantuan kedia, gue gabakal kalah di taruhan gue sama Mason kali ini. Ini hari kedua dan udah ada halangan? Gimana selanjutnya.

"Claire, Can I talk to you? Please?"


"It's about Grayson, well yaudah gue minta maaf dengan apa yang gue lakuin kemarin, but please just listen to me this time"

"Hurry" Claire said with bitch tone, the fuck?

"Well okay, as you see, Grayson udah baikan sama Madison-"

"Wait what? Madison Beer? Terus kenapa?"

"Hm I need your help, lo bisa ga bilangin Grayson untuk ngejauh dari Madison, so gue bisa dapetin Grayson..?"

"You bitch! At first I thought you were being nice to me to tell me that you want to lose the bet! But look at your thirsty self! Ave! Wake up! Gue mending ngeliat Grayson sama Madison daripada sama Lo! Since they were bestfriend since kindergarten"

"But Claire ple-"

"No! Get a life ave.."

Get a life Ave
Get a life Ave
Get a life Ave..

I think I should.


"We're three are the best bitch in this school yeah!" Claire said.

"Ofcourse! Who's the queen again?" I said.


"Lo kenapa breathtaking banget sih Ave? If you weren't my bestfriend, I'd bang the shit out of you hahaha" stassy said.

"Yeah for sure I'd go gay for you Ave! I mean look at you! You're the Avery Raymond!" Claire said.

Belonging [ grayson dolan ] *ON HOLD*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang