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Avery's Pov

I decided to go back to cafetaria. Sebelum gue berdiri dari tempat duduk gue

"Stop" some familiar voice said.

Gue ngeliat kebelakang, yup, there's Grayson.

"You're late.." I said.

"Lo mau gue dengerin, apa engga?"

"Okay.. so"

"Let's sit first"

"So.. listen" when I'm about to tell him everything, the bell rang.
*bell rings*

"Guess we gotta talk later" Gray said and about to leave me.

"But Grayson, tunggu let me explain firs-"

"No, I gotta go to class talk to you later"

"But when??!!"

Gue jalan balik ke cafeteria because I have free period now, with Stassy. Gue gatau kenapa tapi gue ngerasa gue udah ngelakuin hal yang jahat banget sampe 2 orang jadi musuh gue. What've you done Ave???


"Hey Stass"

"THERE YOU GOO!! come here! Did it work?"

"Nope, not at all Stass, gue udah mau ngejelasin semuanya ke dia, eh bel bunyi sialan"

"So, jadi lo kapan mau ngejelasin semuanya kedia?"

"I guess I'll just give up on this whole bet thing.."

"Tapi kenapa Ave?? Do you wanna get back with that douche again?"

"No, not at all stass not at all, it's just gue gamau nyakitin hati Grayson, besides dia udah tau tentang taruhan nya"

"Wait, but how?"

"I guess that Madison bitch still hate me for kissing his ex-boyfriend back at my sweet sixteen birthday party.. so in return he told grayson bout it"

"Well it's not your fault that he's hot?! Anyway, jadi lo mau ngapain sekarang? Nyerah gitu aja ke Mason? Sejak kapan lo nyerah dalam hal apapun?"

"You're not helping Stass, kayanya gue gabakal ngedeketin Grayson lagi, gue gabakal ngejelasin apapun itu dia udah tau deluan Stass, let's just fuck it okay?"

"As you wish milady, let's go"

"Where to?"

"Out? Duh?"

"I wanna go to class Stass"

"Since when avery fucking raymond mau masuk ke kelas???"

Grayson's Pov

After detention, gue bareng Madison pulang ke rumah gue, well gue gajadi hang out bareng Avery because shit. Alden and the other guy are really great company even when today is the first time that I skipped class with popular guys.

I don't know why, but gue seneng banget udah baikan sama Madison. Iya sih dulu gue suka sama dia, cinta malah. Tapi ga berjalan dengan baik. So I guess this is my second chance.

We're now sitting at the living room. Watching netflix and shit.

"I'm cold, cuddle me?" Madison asked.

Madison asked me to cuddle with her, then I'll cuddle with her.

"Sure, c'mere"

Gue naro tangan gue di bahu dia dan kepalanya di dada gue. Gosh, I'm breathing heavily. Am I head over heels for her, again?

Belonging [ grayson dolan ] *ON HOLD*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang