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I always considered myself to be good at hide-and-seek. As a child, my parents never found me. But, honestly, I doubt they even tried. It's a thing that parents do; let their children win to make them believe they are good at things. In hindsight, I wish they didn't do that. It would've prepared me for being in the middle of a hide-and-seek war zone. Quite literally. Let's just say, death is involved. Which brings me to something else I am not good at; defending myself. In the third grade, this girl, Cindy, was pushing me around in a joking manner, but I felt attacked. Unlike any other normal little kid in my school, I started crying and letting her shove me into things. Once a teacher had come over, she had stopped and I didn't have the guts to tell on her.

Today was a more life or death situation. Today, if I was found, there was a chance I could die. Death really doesn't become me though. I've always been sunshine and rainbows. Never have I ever thought about how I was going to die. If I wanted to die anytime soon, this certainly wasn't it. In the middle of a forest, in a large abandoned mansion, by the hands of some psychotic woman who kidnapped my friends and I along with handful of other teenagers.

I should probably explain how all this happened. It started at school the previous week. The day had finally come that we were going on our end of year field trip. Ms. Landon, the sophomore biology teacher, had told us that our bus had broken down and they had sent another one which was parked at the back of the building. At the time, nobody questioned this. Being the idiots we are, my two friends and I followed the other parts of the class out the back door. She ushered us onto the yellow vehicle, looking around wheraily. Now that I look back on it, everything about this seems sketchy. Landon checking the surroundings, no bus driver, the windows being glued shut. Everything was off. But nobody even said anything. Landon drove the bus instead of the usual slightly overweight driver.

As we drove, things got slowly and slowly darker. Before we knew it the only light we saw was the glow of the emergency exit sign. Next thing we knew, the bus had halted suddenly. Landon led the way off the bus, telling us that if we didn't come there would be major consequences. Just like that, we entered a large mansion. Nobody had the sense enough, even me, to turn and run. That is, until the large front door slammed and clicked locked. Landon had disappeared just as the light in the place shut off. We were left for a minute to pound on the door, but just as fast as she disappeared she reappeared. Or at least I think. I heard her cackled from atop a set of stairs.

I'm going to try to remember what she said as best I can for you guys. In a mysterious, aloof voice, she spoke, "Don't bother trying to escape. The door is dead bolted shut, thousands of traps to prevent you from removing it. All the windows are boarded up with bricks. You are all stuck here. And only one of you will leave. If you want to be that one person, then I recommend that you listen to me. If you try to escape, you die. If you try to contact somebody outside, you die. If you break any of my rules of my game, you die. If you try to kill yourself, you suffer. If you try to cheat at my game, you die. If you are found during my game, you die. Any questions?

No? Good. My game. The rules are simple. Lights go off. You hide. Only run if being chased. First person I find, I kill. Don't die; you are good. The lights will only come on once I have killed somebody. We will all congregate here again, and you will get to feast your eyes on the dead. I promise you that each death will be unique. Let the games begin."

That was the last thing said before we were plunged into darkness. That was the last time I might see my friends. Or at least, the last time I see them alive. 

this is a little more of how they got there. idk.



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