Chapter 5

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Your Pov:

It's been about a month since I've known Yuri and the rest it had all been going good; Yurio still doesn't get along with Yuri but was getting better, and Viktor was well Viktor. It was now that we were at the Ice Castle watching the two Yuris compete against each other. It had me on edge to say the least and a question kept popping into my head.

'Will they talk to each other, after one of them loses?'

It was probably a stupid thing to worry over seeing as they were somewhat friends, but I couldn't help but feel afraid.

'I hope everything works out for them.' I prayed to the god out there.




Yurio had lost to Yuri's surprisingly sexy Eros. Who knew he could look like that? (A/n: Viktor knew ;}) Yurio hadn't gone back to Russia though like he said before they had competed, it made me happy knowing they're somewhat friendship was still there.

'Well I guess they just aren't as petty as some people.' I was deep thoughts of the past that was until Viktor put his hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n)-chan are you okay?" He asked me with a slightly concerned look.

"A-ah yeah it's nothing Viktor just thinking." I waved him off hoping he wouldn't push it further. Luckily, he didn't and left to talk to the Japanese Yuri.

I breathed out a sigh before thinking. 'They don't have to know it's in the past anyways.' With those thoughts, I wanted to sleep, so I waved and said a goodbye as I left the Ice Castle.



~ Your Dream/Memory (Not in your pov) ~

There behind the hallways slightly open door stood a girl no older than 13. The girl had short (h/c) hair that was tied into a high ponytail but was slightly damaged from the jog she just took.

The girl heard a crash almost making her jump. After that crash yelling quickly followed. She thought it would be wise to just leave, but curiosity killed the cat. Listening in closer the girl opening the door a little more.

"I'm telling you the reason why we placed last today was because of your incompetence! You completely missed the landing, what are you an amateur? It would've been better if you hadn't jumped at all!" She her the familiar voice of her mother.

"Well at least I didn't forget the second half of the routine!" retorted her father his voice laced with venom.

Some shuffling was heard, and then another crash but this one was different, the first sounded like glass this was more like a dull thud against the ground. Hearing a string of curses come from both of the girl's parents she finally decided to make her presence known to them.

Once she fully opened the door the first thing she saw was a trophy in her father's hands. Not the glass on the floor or the water seeping from it, but that trophy, her trophy.

"A-ah sweetheart this isn't what i-it looks like." Her father tried to explain looking anywhere but her eyes, her mother was the same.

The girl stood still for a second before taking the now split in half trophy from her father, and silently made her way towards her from. After getting there a single tear escaped.

That trophy was something she working hard for sure she had won other trophies but she worked even harder for this one, so much that the blistered she had gotten were so bad she was taken to the hospital, but now the trophy was broken.

Wiping her tear away, she put in her earbuds and put on a happy song and taped her trophy back together until she could buy some proper glue for it. She could hear her parents arguing again, but this time about whose fault the trophy was, it irritated her, but she just turned up her music and went to sleep hoping tomorrow would be better than today was.

~ Dream/Memory End (In your pov again) ~

I woke up from my dream or I should say flashback, I got out bed and made my way over towards my desk in the corner of my room where the trophy stood on top of said desk. The trophy had held up all these years with the glue I had bought. Slowly I ran fingers over the still visible crack delicately as if my touch alone would break it all over again. Sighing I put the trophy back down, and went back to bed hoping my dreams would be better this time.

Note de l'auteur: I'm back sorry it took so long, school has started back up again today (kill me now), so I won't be updating as frequently T^T I don't know when I'll update but I'll try to make them when I can. So this is part of your past (yes there's more) so I hoped you enjoyed this story/filler thing. Feedback is appreciated ;3. Until next time.

~Otaku-chin out~

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