∞Chapter 25∞

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(i cried while writing this you little twats)

No One's POV

"Good afternoon, my name is Kirstey Clemmings and I'm here to report on the plane crash in Brisbane Australia. I'm here live at the scene where there lies the plane containing 10 people, as far as we know 1 is dead and the other 9 are in fact injured." The perky blonde news reporter announced, showing the scene behind her.

There lies a plane, wing detached and all the way across a field, engine smoking, creating a plastic-like smell in the air. Paramedics and Firefighters struggled to get inside of the plane, barely able to get a hole big enough to fit one person.

"We've found one!" A tan fireman yelled, calling more paramedics over, carrying a stretcher. Out came the body of a tall blonde boy, skin as white as clouds. His flat blonde hair stuck to his forehead, with blood and dirt. There were dried tears on his face, and he looked as dead as dead could get.

"He's still breathing, take him to the hospital and call the rest of the guys, we need as many ambulances as we can get." The fireman instructed. A female paramedic took the Luke, carrying him to the stretcher and driving off.

The tan fireman crawled inside of the small space, mask on so he wouldn't inhale smoke. "Chad! What can you see?" A fireman named Spencer yelled. "I'm still looking, wait! I've found. a flight attendant..." Chad exclaimed until he saw her completely.

Her body was impaled on a broken rod, her facial expression looked as if she was crying out. Chads eyes filled with tears, but then quickly blinked them away. He knew his job was hard, and he had to save those other 8 people.

There infront of him lied the body of a tan boy, phone in hand. His chocolate brown curls lay messily across his forehead, blood smeared across his cheek. He had a deep cut on his lower abdomen, and his forearm was bruised. "I found another! get Jessica!" Chad yelled, instructing for one of the more skilled paramedics.

He picked up Calum, handing him to the small filipino woman, thanking her whilst trying to find another person. He ducked consistently, considering the condition of the plane.

He found a pair of glasses, a suitcase filled with woman's clothes, and a pair of headphones sprawled across the floor. The suitcase must've fallen from the overhead.

"So far we have found two people, and we are sure that at least one is dead. The two found victims have been identified, one as Luke Robert Hemmings from Goolwa SA, and the other as Calum Thomas Hood also from Goolwa." Kirsty announced, speaking into the microphone. She looked at the scene behind her and her heart dropped.

Her eyes filled with tears at all of the paramedics trying to get a bigger hole, for more people to search in. It was impossible. Not even the jaws of life could possibly open a bigger hole.

The view she had was horrible. She could see the one flight attendant impaled on the rod, and she felt sick. "We have seen one dead, we are not sure if there are any others dead." She announced, not smiling this time.

"Do we know what happened?" The reporter from the city asked. "The information we have has given us this much. There was a band, a girl and a few flight attendants along with the captain on board, on their way to Liverpool, in the U.K." Kirsty spoke, as she cleared her throat. "The plane obviously crashed, but we have no information on how." She spoke, wiping away the stray tears that had formed.

"We found two! A girl and a boy! both around 18! Hurry get somebody!" Chad yelled through the hole as paramedics rushed in. "You heard him, they found a boy and a girl now who will be identified soon." Kristy announced.

Chad pulled up the girl, her long brown hair now in messy waves, knotted up because of the crash. She had a gash down the side of her leg, and one across her collar bones.

The boy however, was found holding her. As if he knew he had to protect her. He had dried tears and soot all over his face, a small cut between his eyebrows, and a huge cut on his back. "They're okay, they're breathing!" He yelled.

However what Chad saw next he wasn't ready for. He saw his son, neck cut. His golden curls were now covered in blood, a cut on his skull. You couldn't see his beautiful hazel eyes, or his amazing dimples. His tan skin was cut and blistered from the heat of the fire.

Chad knew Ashton was his boy, even if he had only met him at birth. No matter how long you've known your child, you'll always be able to pull them out of a crowd. Ashtons body lied peacefully in his seat, his phone in hand.

His once pristine white shirt was now covered with blood, soot and other things. Chads eyes watered up at the sight. "Why did I leave him and his mother?" He wondered.

He took a hold of his sons hand, kissing it lightly. He picked up the 20 year old boy, carrying him outside. "I found one. My son." He cried loudly, gaining the attention of paramedics and Kirsty.

He lied on the grass next to his son, still holding him in his arms as tears ran out of his hazel eyes. "I'm so sorry Ashton. I shouldn't have left. But if I hadn't left you wouldn't be the man you are today." He whispered.

"I'm so sorry." Kirsty whispered from above Chad.

"Everybody in the band has been identified. Noelle Melanie Roberts, Michael Gordon Clifford, Luke Robert Hemmings, and Calum Thomas Hood of Goolwa SA, have all been transported to the nearest hospital. But unfortunately Ashton Fletcher Irwin, also from Goolwa, has died of blood loss, and bleeding in the brain. We will come back to you later with the names of the the rest of the crew."

"My name is Kirsty Clemmings and this has been the breaking news hour. Thank you for tuning in." Kirsty announced, and the camera went back to the newsroom.


plOT twIst



HERES SOME TISSUE: *hands tissue*



TWITTER: @ashtheidiot




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