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•Luke's P.O.V.•

Ariel strummed the last chord of the electric guitar, and ran off stage. Ashton trailed off behind her like a lost puppy, except this puppy has grown with her, only a year older. His light brown hair resembled one of his fathers, tanned skin also like other fathers, and his blue eyes like his surrogate mother.

Tev had offered to be a surrogate for the two boys when Michael and Calum had gotten married and decided they wanted kids. Of corse, Calum being the dominate in the relationship was the one who gave her his so called 'baby gravy' and she carried the couples baby. It just so happened that she had a similar hair color to Michael's, and Calums darker skin had been passed down. Little Ashton had beautiful blue eyes, that sometimes changed colors depending on his mood, or even the 'phase of the moon', as his grandma referred to it as.

Ashton and Ariel were both around 16 now, my once little daughter was now becoming a woman, and frankly it scared the shit out of me. I was so over protective of her, it was if I stalked her. But surely I didn't, thanks to Noelle.

"Dad! Daddy! Papa!" Our youngest son Andrew squeeled next to me. "What Angelo? What's the matter?" I asked, picking him up and setting him on my knee. "Where's momma?" The small three year old asked.

"She's in the back honey; she's helping your sister out with the talent show." I told him. "But Ari just performed?" He asked. Angelo may have been three, but he was as smart as a 5 year old. "No, she's helping direct it, making sure everything goes to plan." I told him, making him nod.

Twenty minutes later, the winners of talent show got announced, Ariel being in third place, only two spots behind her least favorite person, Norma Inder. I've heard my daughter rant about her so much, I could scream.

Ariel was beyond pissed when she got out, and Noelle was beyond pissed that she had to hear her rant about it on and on. "Ariel I swear to god stop talking about that damn girl, we have all heard it before! 'Oh Norma this, oh Norma that.' We know Ari. We know." She yelled, pulling at her hair.

Our daughter rolled her icy blue eyes, pulling at her dark brown waves. "God I wish you'd just understand me! You don't get it! Norma has stolen everything from me! Everything-" She ranted, "Except Ashton, and Delilah." I cut in, reminding her of Calum and Michaels son along with Khalias daughter.

"Yeah but they'll end up leaving soon." She pouted. "No they won't, they're good kids." Noelle said. "Yeah but sometimes I feel worthless because I am always afraid they'll leave." Ariel whispered.

Noelle and I exchanged glances, while I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Honey you'll never be worthless, trust me." I told her. "How would you know? You and mom have always had the perfect, happy-go-lucky relationship! Nothing's ever gone wrong with you guys!" She said.

"Trust me we are far from perfect. We have had our fair share of issues. But guess what, that's what has made us here today stronger then ever. If those issues hadn't happened, I probably would've never had your mother the way I do right now. She's my princess, and one day someone will get to talk about you like that." I told her. She nodded and put in her earbuds.

Noelle rested her hand on top of my free one, my other hand on the steering wheel. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.


Short but sweet epilogue, I honestly idk if you'll like it or not but it's how I feel they'd be after they had their first kids.

Clarification if y'all had any questions:

•Ariel is Luke and noelles first kid (she's 16)

•Ashton is Michael and calums first/only kid, Tev was a surrogate (someone who carries the baby for a gay couple.) and he likes Ariel

•Delilah is khalias daughter (ya dunno the father)

•Angelo is also Luke and noelles son, he's three

Love y'all! Thx for reading this crappy ass book



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