Branch awkwardly walked in, every troll glancing his way then whispering.... This was his first party ever.... And he was still adapting to all of.... This. He made his way over to the snack pack as the music stopped and every troll looked at him. He smiled akwardly and reached his...Er....Poppy's friends.
"You made it!" Poppy cheered rushing over holding Creeks hand.... Wait.... Creeks hand? Branch felt his head go hot.
"Yeah... I just.... Wanted to see for myself what a party looks like..."
The other Trolls smiled and the music started again as every troll danced and sang along, Cooper, Biggie, Satin, Chenille, Smidge, Fuzzbert, and DJ Suki hitting the dance floor as well. Creek spun Poppy and led her to the dance floor as Branch watched angrily clutching his fist. He soon felt a hand on his shoulder.
"You Ok Branch?" Guy Diamond asked. Branch realaxed his fist.
"I'm fine."
"If you like her.... Go talk to her!" GD said giving Branch a little push.
"Who, Poppy? Pssshhhh I don't like her!" Brash lied, crossing his arms. GD chuckled and pointed at Creek and Poppy who were dancing.
"Well he likes her."
Branch looked at the two, they were singing and dancing and looked..... Happy. He looked away sad and hurt pretending not to care. Why.... Why would Poppy choose Creek? Creek was a traitor and annoying..... Branch never liked Creek but Maybe it was jealousy?
"Exactly..... So I don't stand a chance...." Branch said walking away. Guy Diamond stared After his friend then ran up to Poppy.
"Branch left." Guy Diamond said.
"What? But he just arrived!" Poppy said frowning, looking around for her friend. Creek rolled his eyes.
"I should have know the grump would leave." Creek said walking away, and walking up to dance with other troll Girls. Poppy watched and rolled her eyes at Creek, sure she use to like him.... But he was a traitor and a player, he was just not even a good friend.... More like a sad puppy you wouldn't abandon.
"He went back to his Bunker." Guy Diamond told the queen, she thanked him then ran off.
As she was running she heard singing... She slowly sneaked around then saw Branch throwing pebbles in the river as he sung and Oh wow, did she love his voice. She hid close by in a Bush So she could hear him."I know I can treat you better.... Than he can and Any troll like you deserves a.... Gentlemen." Branch sang ripping of the tie he wore and throwing it on the ground.
"Branch?" Poppy said, approaching him, Yet she startled him making him fall of the rock. Poppy gasped and startled to giggle. Branch chuckled and stood on his feet as they both laughed.
"Why did you leave?" Poppy asked calming down. Branch looked away from her gaze and blushed.
"I'm New to this ok? I cant Sing or dance or.... Cook...... And seeing you with Creek and seeing him and Everyone else happy and then there is just.... Me."
Poppy grabbed Branch's hand as he blushed and looked at her smiling face.
"I don't like Creek.... Plus I don't trust him that much. How about we go back to the party.... I need a new dance partner." She said, smiling up at him. He nodded and took her hand as she led him back.
"I told you.... I cant dance...." He reminded her as they entered the Middle of the dance floor.
"If you can Sing you can dance." Poppy replied, taking his hands as the music started.

Blue and Pink
FanfictionAfter the event of Trolls..... What will become of Branch and Poppy? Branch, Now Being blue can't adapt that fast.... Poppy must help him but.... Will he just give up? Maybe a troll will encourage home to turn gray again.... Read more to find out...