Chapter 9

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   Branch New this was a really bad bad bad bad bad idea.  He showed up at Suki's house and knocked.  The orange troll answered smiling. 

"Branch!  Come in!!!"  She said,  holding the door open.  He entered seeing the snack pack in their pajamas.... Then poppy.  He may.... May have stared at the troll with the flowers tank top and matching bottoms.

"Hi Branch!!!! " Poppy said,  waving.  He blushed and waved back smiling a little.  He then sat down by Guys Diamond,  as they all other in a circle.

"So.... What now?"  He asked,  this was his first sleep over.

"Games!"  Cooper squealed.

"Games?"  Branch repeated,  more concerned.

"Yup!  Hide n Seek,  Tag,  Dodge Ball,  Dance a thon,  Truth or Dare,  you name it!"  Suki added on.  Branch's eye grew wide. 

"Come on Branch.... It will be fun!"  Biggie said.

  Branch sighed and nodded.  The snack pack then decided what game to play..... Truth or Dare was the choice of the night. Just what Branch wanted.... Not.

"Guy Diamond Truth or Dare?"  Satin asked.


"Favorite dance move?"  Chenille finished.


   Every troll laughed and were just wondering why though. 

"Poppy!"  Guy Diamond announced,  "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!"  Poppy cheered.  Guy Diamond smiled then looked at Branch who was sweating and shaking his head no.

"I dare you too-"

"WEAR 5 SHIRTS!"  Branch interuppted,  while covering GD's mouth. 

   Poppy did the dare,  and the game continued.  Biggie licked the wall,  Smidge ate 5 cakes,  and so on.... Until it was Branch's turn.

Guy Diamond got another evil look.

Branch swallowed is fear.

Suki ate all the Chex mix.

"Branch.... Truth or Dare?"

Branch was screwed either way.

"T-truth...."  He stuttered.

"So Branch.... How do you feel about Poppy?"

"She's a uh.... A good friend...." 

    Poppy smiled.  GD rolled his eyes and with that,  the game was done.  Next,  was karaoke.

     Satin and Chenille rocked 'I don't care,  I love it.' while Biggie did a few songs by Katy Perry,  Cooper did' Shut Up and Dance' Suki with' hollaback girl' and GD with some rapping crap. Poppy sang the cup song,  Next was Branch.

     He sang Mirrors.... And Poppy stared at him the whole time..... Wow did she loves his voice.  After he was done,  they all clapped as he blushed.

"That was beautiful Branch."  Poppy told him.  He blushed and smiled.


A/N Sorry this took forever!  And Sorry for typos.... I got a new like phone keyboard So deal with it XD I want to thank yall for the support!!!

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