Chapter 8

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    The gala was over and it was just a quiet night.  The Bergens Even were asleep along with all the other trolls..... Except for two.  A little blue troll and a little pink troll.  Poppy looked through the forest.  Maybe he didn't go on his bunker.... She really didn't know.  She soon just gave up and sat on the rock by the river.

    Maybe inviting Creek was a bad idea..... Creek told her How he almost was eaten and yada Yada and he was glad he was back and she said she was too..... But was she? Poppy used to like Creek but Now she.... No no.  She didn't like Branch.  Poppy kept thinking Until an acorn dropped on her head.

"Ow!"  She said,  rubbing her head.

"Sorry!"  The tree said.... Wait the tree?

    Poppy looked up to see a Branch....Pun intended.... Sitting in the tree.  She smiled and started to laugh.

"There you are!" 

  Branch sighed and hopped down landing in front if her.

"Sorry I didn't really stay..... I am New to all of.... This....."  He said rubbing his neck looking at her.  Poppy smiled at him which made his stomach flutter.

"Its ok.... I'm Sorry I pressured you and had Creek show up." 

"I'm not jealous. Creek was just...."

"A jerk?  A road block?  A girlfriend stealer?"  Poppy said stepping closer to him.

Branch looked at her and blushed.  They were 1 cm a part he estimated.

"I was gonna Say a surprise..." He whispered. Poppy looked disappointed then backed away blushing.  They stood in silence for a while.

"It was a Nice gala though Queenie...."  Branch said breaking the silence.  Poppy smiled and grabbed his hand.


     Branch looked at her opening his mouth to Say something but didn't know what even to say. She leaned even closer to him.

"Yes?"  She asked her eyes wide.  He just stood there.  What was he supposed to..... Oh.  He knew what he wanted to do. 

   He gently leaned in as Poppy leaned in too.


The two stopped, Their noses touching but unfortunately not Their lips.  They took a giant leap apart to see the snack pack walking towards them.

"Oh did we interrupt-" Suki started.

"No no...."  Poppy said smiling.  Branch sighed and nodded to agree with Poppy.

"Well we just came to Say that we are planning a slumber party so...."  Cooper started.

"Yeah ok.... Ill.... Ill come."  Branch said.  The snack pack looked suprised.

"I have to Break out of my shell."  he responded. 

They all smiled and cheered.

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