Chapter 7

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"Hey...."  Poppy said standing in front of the grey troll.

"Creek's a good dancer... Huh?"  Branch said,  tearing from her gaze. Poppy frowned and rubbed her arm.

"He... He's a jerk I didn't mean-"

"To hurt my feelings I know,  I know.... I shouldn't of gotten my hopes up anyway. My fault,  and this night hasn't been the Best first party experience."  He said throwing his empty cup in the trash can as Poppy stood there concerned.

"Look.... I'm sorry...."  She said taking a step towards him. 

"Look Queenie,  I know.  It was my fault.... I should have just stayed in my bunker."  He said, lightly pushing her away as he made his way towards his bunker.  He was stopped by Poppy grabbing his hand.

"Don't..... Don't go...."  She said.  He blushed then pulled his arm free.

"Hey,  blue wasn't my color anyway...."  He shrugged walking again,  but his ear perked up as he heard singing.

"Turn around....."  Poppy sang looking down.  "Every Now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming around.... Turn around....."  She still sang looking up at Branch who was facing away.  DJ Suki stopped the music as every troll looked at the two.

   Poppy sighed and sang more,  "Everynow and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the Sound of my tears.... Turn around...." 

"Everynow and then I get a little bit worried that the Best of all the years have gone by....."  Branch sang softly looking at Poppy who started to smile.

"Turn around....."  Poppy sang smiling.

"Every Now and then I get a little bit restless that the Best of all the years have gone by....." Branch sang spinning Poppy.

"Turn around...."  Poppy repeated laughing as Branch danced with her.

"Every Now and then I get a little bit helpless but then I see the look in your eyes...."  He added on.

"Turn around bright eyes!" 

"Everynow and then I fall apart."

"Turn around bright....."  before Poppy could  finish Branch dipped her and he was looking into her eyes.  "Eyes...."  She finished quietly.

   He lifted her back up still looking at her then sang.  "Everynow and then I fall apart...."  He backed away blushing then sang grabbing a rose from off the table then standing on it.  Every troll stared at him wondering what he was doing.

"And I need you Now tonight!  And I need out more then ever!  And if you only Hold me tight..... We'll be holding on.... Forever!"  He sang as his feet glowed blue,  then soon his whole body.  Poppy joined him on the table grabbing the rose from Branch,  and using it as a microphone now.

"And we'll only be making it Right cause we'll never be wrong!  Together we can take it to the end of the line your love is like a shadow on me all of the time!  I really need you tonight forever is gonna start tonight... Forever is gonna start to-"  Poppy was cut off as Branch took the rose from her and sang.

"Once upon a time I was falling in love...... Now I'm only falling apart.... " He sang looking down as a tear dripped down.  Poppy felt her heart break. " Nothing I can do.... A Total eclipse of the heart...... " He sang,  looking at all the trolls then froze his gaze on Poppy. " Once upon a time there was a light in my Life Now there's only love in the dark..... " He then handed the rose to Poppy and jumped off the table.

"Nothing I can do.... A Total eclipse of the heart...."  She finished as she watched Branch walk away. 

      Every Troll cheered and Clapped and the music started again.  Poppy sighed and got off the table.  She needed to show Branch she cared.

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