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Caspar's POV

"Okay guys, my cousin is coming to live with us and there is one thing you all need to know," I looked at all of my best mates; Joe, Oli, Josh, Jack, and Conor. "You cannot fancy her, and you definitely cannot date her. I don't care if you are a gentleman when it comes to ladies, she is not coming here to date guys, she is coming here to see if this is the type of life she wants. Alright?"

Everyone responded positively and that made me more excited to welcome Annabelle into our home.


Annabelle's POV

I have finally arrived in London after a long flight. I found my suitcases and duffle bag, and went out into the main waiting area and waited for Caspar to arrive. I was so excited to finally meet him in person, ever since I found out I would be moving into his apartment with him and Joe, we have been chatting online non stop.

I have been waiting twenty minutes, and he said he would be here fifteen minutes ago. He did warn me he is usually never on time.

I looked to my left and there he was. Standing there, staring at me with a huge smile on his face. My legs started to shake as I wobbled my way over to him and gave him a huge hug. I can't believe I am meeting my favorite youtuber for the first time, and even weirder I can't believe he is my cousin. "Hi Caspar."

"Hello Annabelle, how are you doing?" He asked, letting me go from the hug. "I'm doing well, the flight was miserably long though." I chuckled.

Caspar laughed before grabbing my suitcases and leading me to the vehicle. As I sat in the back, I noticed Joe was sitting in the drivers seat and I nearly died inside. "Oh hey." Joe looked back at me, with his signature side smirk. "H-hi Joe." I awkwardly smiled. Caspar got into the passenger seat, and we were off to their apartment.

"So Anna, are you a fan of us?" Joe asked. Oh god, why did he have to ask me that. "Um, yeah. I've been watching your guys videos for quite a while." I nervously laughed.

"That's cool."

"Just to warn ya, Oli and Josh are at the apartment. Jack and Conor left a little while ago, but I'm sure you'll meet them in no time." Caspar said. I laughed, "okay."

Joe parked in their little parking slot and we all got out, slamming the doors at the same time. Joe and Caspar got my suitcases out, and I insisted on doing it myself but nope. We went up the stairs and Joe unlocked the door, revealing their apartment. For the last couple years, I have been dreaming of being able to see their apartment outside of the camera and here I am. It feel so unreal, being here surrounded by almost all of my favorite youtubers in the apartment.

"Oli, Josh. This is Annabelle!" Capsar introduced me and both Oli and Josh said hi before continuing their chat.

"So i'll show you your room." Caspar smiled, leading me into the bedroom that was always used for guests who stayed over. Now it's my bedroom.

"As you can see, theres just a bed there. Feel free to decorate and make yourself feel like home." Caspar chuckled before going into his room. I sat on my bed, just taking in everything that's happening and trying not to freak out. I took a deep breath.

First off, I have no money whatsoever. Mom said Caspar was supposed to lend me some money until I find a job. I'll need to buy a dresser, maybe some more clothes, and a lamp. I stood up and went to find Caspar, who was sitting on the toilet with the door open. Of course.

"Um! Annabelle, I'm on the toilet!!" Caspar nervously laughed, awkwardly standing up and shutting the door. I laughed, "of course you're sitting on the toilet." I walked away and decided to ask him about the money later.

I went upstairs to the lounge and spotted Josh sitting on the couch. It's so unreal seeing him in person, when not even a month ago I was obsessing over him through my laptop. "Hey Josh." I nervously greeted, sitting on the couch opposite of him.

"Hey." He smiled.

"So what are you watching?" I asked.

"Umm some dumb reality show, I don't even know. It's not even that good." He laughed. I laughed along with him.

"I can't even believe I'm here, you know. I hadn't even known Caspar was my cousin until two weeks ago!" I laughed.

"So, you're eighteen right?" He asked me. What a strange question, "yeah I am."

"That's cool." He smiled at me. Oli came over and sat beside Josh.

"Hey guys, I never really got to properly introduce myself to you. My name is Oli, it's very nice to meet you." He smiled. "Hello Oli, my name is Annabelle but you all could call me Anna."

"Hey I'm actually planning on making a new video for my channel soon, would you want to be featured in it?" Oli asked me. Are you flipping serious?! Oli just asked me to be in his new video. I can't even believe this is happening!

"Yeah sure, I would love too." I answered. "Great, we'll film it in your room." He said, "by the way we'll be doing a Q&A."

"Alright, sounds good." I flashed him a smile before heading to Caspars bedroom to chat with him.

"Hey Caspar?" I walked into his room, and he was laying on his bed on his phone. "What's up?" He asked, sitting up.

"My mom said you will be lending me some money until I can find a job, right?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot, good thing you reminded me." He laughed. He grabbed his wallet from his pocket and gave me forty pounds.

"Thank you lots Caspar." I smiled. "No problem."

I left his room and went into my new bedroom, waiting for Oli to come in and set up. After five minutes, Oli came in with his tripod and his cameras. "We'll be using natural lighting today." Oli said, chuckling as he set up.

He started the camera, and sat on the bed beside me. "What is up people?! As you can see, I am here in this bedroom with Caspar's cousin, Anna!" Oli looked at me, and I said hi to the camera.

"And we will be doing a Q&A since you all have been requesting this so much! So let's start." Oli looked onto his twitter.

"@Lucy_Bg95 wants to know if we fancy anybody." Oli looked at me.

"Well, erm. I don't fancy anyone at the moment, what about you Oli?" I chuckled. He looked at me, and we looked into each others eyes for a good second before he quickly looked away and hesitantly answered. "Uh n-no, I don't. Next question." He nervously laughed.

"Okay, @Sugg4everxo wants to know, out of all of the guys who would you rather go out with." Oli laughed, before answering, "Definitely Caspar, he's not as annoying as Joe and doesn't scare me every chance he gets." Oli looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I honestly don't know, this is such a hard question. "Um, probably Joe. He's very sweet!" Oli looked down at his hands, and then went back to his phone completely ignoring my answer.

After twenty minutes of filming, we finally finished and Oli went to the lounge to edit his video while I stayed in my room and just processed the fact I starred in Oli White's video. I hope none of his fans hate me.

Slowly, my eyes began to close and I was fast asleep for my afternoon nap.

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If you see any spelling/grammar errors, please tell me about them. Thanks!

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