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Oli's POV

Joe was currently vlogging, and I was sitting on the couch editing my video. Re watching this video gives me a tingly feeling inside, I don't know why. I can't fall for Anna, or Caspar would murder me.

"So Caspar's cousin is currently asleep, and I think I might scare her." I heard Joe say to his camera. That's so rude! I quickly jumped up and ran after Joe but I was too late. He screamed in Anna's face and I heard her scream back, and then she was fully awake again.

"Joe, you scared me so much." Anna laughed, covering her face with her comforter and Joe was laughing his head off. I was secretly watching from the stairs and Joe fell onto the bed beside Anna and they were both laughing and chatting as he vlogged. A burning sensation went through my body as I watched them having fun. Was I jealous? This can't be happening, so I turned around and went back to the couch to finish editing my video.

Josh saw me coming towards the couch and he laughed. "What?" I asked, taking a seat and setting my laptop on my lap.

"You look so mad, who pissed in your cheerios this morning?" He said, snickering. "What do you mean? I'm fine." I said, with no tone or expression.

"Do you fancy her?"

I looked at him straight in the eye. "Who are you talking about?"

"Annabelle. Do ya fancy her?" He asked again, with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, "Josh, I respect Caspar's rule. So no, I do not fancy Anna." I looked back onto my laptop screen.

"Alright." Josh snickered again, before looking towards the tv.

Joe came back up, but Anna was trailing behind him. I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore their laughter.

"What's up duck?" Joe sat down beside, trying to do a bugs bunny impression. "I am editing the video I did with Anna." I answered, trying to ignore his camera recording me, after he turned the camera away from my face, I felt the pressure release from my chest and I was at ease again. I know I don't look to happy, and I don't need Joe's viewers seeing me look mad so I would rather him not record me.

I had finally finished editing, and now I wait for it to upload to my channel. As I waited, I put some bread into the toaster, and soon I can eat some peanut butter toast.

"What are you making?" Annabelle asked, with a big smile on her face. My heart began racing as she stared into my eyes. "U-uh, peanut butter toast." I replied, should I offer her some? I'm so horrible with talking to girls. "Would you want some?" I asked.

"Sure! Thanks for the offer." She smiled. The toast popped and I put peanut butter on the toast, and I gave her a slice.

She took a bite and moaned, "Mm this is so good. I love peanut butter on warm toast."

I chuckled, "it sure is delicious." I took a bite and sat on the couch. I finished my toast in three bites, and then the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Annabelle shouted before unlocking it and opening it, revealing Jack and Conor.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Jack asked, with a smirk. Conor punched his arm, "it's Caspar's cousin remember?"

"Oh yeah, well my name is Jack, this is Conor." He said, motioning to Conor beside him. "Hey guys." Anna smiled at the two boys.

"Anyways, I forgot our camera on the counter." Conor said, coming into the flat and grabbing his camera.

"I was wondering whos camera that was!" Josh yelled. I chuckled, "well atleast you got it now."

Jack and Conor chuckled. "So you're from Canada?" Jack asked Anna, which ended up in a twenty minute conversation which I tried to ignore.

Joe walked upstairs talking to his camera, "Jack and Conor are here, because they wanted to meet Caspar's cousin. Right guys! Isn't she amazing." Joe came running in between Jack and Anna's conversation. His little comment about Anna made her blush, and that made me a little mad because he complimented her already and what have I done? I'm already screwed over, I'll never have a chance with her. What the bloody hell am I even thinking? I have to respect Caspar's rule and back off his cousin.

"She is definitely an amazing girl! But Conor had forgotten his camera, he's quite the forgetful guy." Jack said, making Anna giggle. Her laugh is so cute. "Anyways, we should get going. We are actually going to make a collab video with Louis, for the first time which is pretty sweet! See you guys later." Jack said.

"Bye!" Conor said before turning around and leaving. Before Jack left, he managed to get Anna's number which genuinely made me very angry inside because now they'll definitely be in touch after this. How will Casper feel about this?

I went to check my laptop, and my video has been posted for ten minutes already. So I went to tweet about the new video, and there were several tweets sent to me with the hashtag #Olibelle. Were people really shipping me with Annabelle? Caspar's not going to be happy with this. After I tweeted, I went to go through my newsfeed and one tweet caught my eye.

"@OliWhiteTv you guys are absolutely adorable! you guys truly look like a couple, and anna is gorgeous! but does caspar approve? ;) #olibelle"

It makes me blush, apparently we do look like a couple. I just met this lovely girl today, and I feel like I've known her for ages. I just wish she weren't Caspar's cousin, but if they weren't related she probably would have never came to Britain and I would have never met her.

Imagine this whole day was just a dream, like I'm bound to wake up and Annabelle would have never existed. It would not be a dream, it would be more like a nightmare.

I think it's time for some sleep. It's 10pm, and I'm exhausted. I'm too tired too drive back to my flat, I don't think Joe and Caspar would mind if I spend the night. I grabbed one of their spare blankets and soon fell asleep on the couch.

- - - - -

I will try upload a new chapter every day, if not every other day. But I would appreciate if you all left comments and voted. It would help alot. Thanks!

If you see any grammar/spelling mistakes in the next few chapters please let me know. Thanks!

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