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Anabelle's POV

I can't believe I nearly got Joe and I caught. Thank god Oli noticed in time, or Caspar would have saw and things would have gone drastically downhill. But Oli knows, and there's still a chance he'll tell Caspar. Maybe he'll use it against Joe.

I wish I never came here.

I should move back, It would probably get rid of all of our problems and everyone would be happy again. Caspar is too worried I will start dating one of his friends, and I can't let that happen.

I am so stressed right now!

I pulled out my cellphone and rung my mom who immediately answered. "Hello Ann! How is it there?"

"Mom, I want to go back." I simply said. She asked why, so I explained everything.

"Just because the boys are falling for you isn't a good reason to come back to this boring town Annabelle! If you like Joe, be honest with Caspar and maybe he will consider letting you and Joe take things to the next level. Caspar would be heartbroken if you suddenly just left the country." My mom explained, trying to make me stay in London.

"Good point." I mumbled. "I just don't want to ruin their friendships."

"Remember, just be honest with Caspar hun. Honesty won't end as bad as hiding things from him; in which he will eventually find out."

"Thanks mom, I love you. Tell dad I love and miss him as well." I waited for her to say bye back, before ending the call. I'm glad I spoke to her, or I probably would have fled the country as soon as I could without even properly thinking about it.

Caspar creaked my door open, with a sad/disappointed look on his face. "You want to go back?" He asked.

My heart shattered, how could I hurt him like this. I'm such a horrible person, especially to my cousin who made the effort into inviting me here to London to live with him. I'm such a selfish freak.

"No Caspar, please listen. I need to be completely honest with you, please don't be mad at me or the other person I will mention. This morning, I was so sad and felt like everything was my fault. Joe made me feel better, and we happened to have kissed each other. . ." I paused, "it wasn't special or anything."

I watched Caspar's face go from sad to furious. "You guys, what?!" Caspar turned around and stormed into Joe's room. I tried to stop him from making it such a huge deal but it was pointless, he was already yelling at Joe.

"Joe, what the hell! I told you to back off from my cousin way before you even met her and of course you being a dick of a mate; you go and kiss her behind my back?!" He shouted at Joe, who looked scared and slightly hurt.

"I'm sorry Caspar, it just happened. It didn't even mean anything at all, it was just a dumb little kiss. Nothing like that will ever happen again. I'm sorry mate." Joe sincerely apologized. His comment about the kiss may have broken my heart a little bit, I hope he didn't mean it because I swear I could have felt a spark between our lips when it happened.

"I trusted you the most Joe, but now I really know who I can or can't trust." Casper muttered, before leaving the room and entering his room; shutting the door behind him.

"Why did you tell him Annabelle?" Joe asked, looking stressed with his hands covering his face.

"I'm sorry Joe, but it's better to be honest than to hide things from him, that could potentially make things worse if he were ever to find out himself." I sat on his bed. "Hug?"

Joe accepted and we hugged each other for a good two minutes. "Annabelle, we can't do anything anymore after this. And I mean kissing, flirting or whatever. I can't lose Caspar as a friend just to be with his cousin. You're a lovely girl, but I just can't." He explained.

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