The Reformation of a Man

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I have not conquered anything;

If anything she's conquered me.

So I am hers and she is mine -

Two lovers for eternity.

Once long ago, I seemed to be

A wild man untamable,

But she was filled with so much love,

And love was more than capable

To break my wild boyish view

Of winning wars with womanhood -

Such petty ways to see the gift

God gave to Adam that was good.

Yes, I will sacrifice myself

Without a hesitation for

My love, my life, my shining bride,

And should need be, I will give more

To men, a woman is a game.

If won, a conqueror you'll be,

But I've not conquered anything;

If anything she's conquered me.

Rhymes in Red:  a collection of poems by D. W. ChristianWhere stories live. Discover now