Chapter 1: The Transfer Student

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A/N: Ayyyye what's up guys? So this is a gonna be a reader insert chapter series of the anime Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan. It will be a slow build of the relationships between the characters but nonetheless, it will get there. There may even be some naughty naughty throughout the course ;) Enjoy :)

p.s. you're gonna be Australian (If you aren't already)

In case ya forget:

(F/N) - First Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(F/C) - Favourite Colour 

(H/L) - Hair Length 

(H/C) - Hair Colour

(E/C) - Eye Colour 

(S/C) - Skin Colour

[Saiki's POV]

It was a new day, and excitement coursed through the class of 2 - III. The room echoed with a lively chatter shared amongst the students, and usually, one's general conversation never really sparked interest upon a certain pink haired individual. However, a pair of male students' conversation in the class just so did happen to catch his attention.

'Hey, Nakamura, did you hear? We're getting another transfer student!'

'Seriously?? Is it a girl or a guy?'

'I heard it's an Australian chick.'

'Australian? She probably doesn't speak a lick of Japanese then... How good is your English?'

'I might try to ask her "How are you?" and I'm gonna somehow end up insulting her grandmother's cat...'

'You should probably stay away from her then.'

'Yeah, let's just hope she's hot.'

Good grief... I get it's another language and all but how do you manage to confuse a basic question with an insult? 

Saiki Kusuo sat quietly at his desk listening to his classmates ramble on about their terrible English skills. Of course, however, this is not what caught his attention in the first place.

Have they already forgotten about the tragedy of the previous transfer, Toritsuka? Plus, if they're right about her being Australian then the language barrier is definitely going to create some difficul-

'Hey, Buddy!' God dammit... 'The runt and I were just talkin' 'bout the new transfer bein' from Australia and we thought maybe we could invite her into our group!' Nendou declared with enthusiasm. 

Not our group, just your group. I just happen to be the poor soul you decided to drag along. Also, English is a language I've never heard either of you two speak.

'HEY I'm not a runt!' protested Kaidou, popping out from behind the tall male, 'Anyways, Saiki... I was telling Nendou about how I've been studying English and all, and that's when we came up with the idea.' 

Kaidou began looking around nervously, fidgeting with a loose thread on the hem of his sleeve. A slight blush on his cheeks became apparent as he continued, 'Though, I find it a bit scary to speak another language to someone. Especially to someone who speaks that language fluently! So I don't really want to mess up...' 

He must've caught onto how he was behaving because within a matter of seconds he had changed his stance from nervous to menacing, throwing his hand up to cover half of his face, 'But have no fear my dear friends... for I, The Jet Black Wings, shall not fall victim to th-'

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