Chapter 4: Sweet Tooth [PART 2]

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(A/N): Welcome back

*UPDATE* - I split this chapter into 2 parts so they wouldn't be so long 

[Your POV]

Just like your walk to the cafe earlier this afternoon, Saiki and yourself travelled in utter silence. Though this time, it wasn't as uncomfortably awkward. It felt more relaxed and at ease - as if words didn't need to be exchanged between you two. For the first time today, you could actually breathe. The sun was still up in the sky but only just - it's golden rays shown down on the now familiar neighbourhood streets, casting long shadows across the pavement.

After you admitted to him that you had no idea where you were, he offered to walk you home when you described to him what your neighbourhood looks like. He couldn't teleport you home as he didn't know what your house actually looked like - But thankfully, he knew at least where that area was. Turns out that you don't live that far away from Saiki, probably less than a 5-minute walk.

Saiki feels calm... almost content, you thought to yourself as you discretely inspected him from the corner of your eyes. Suddenly, a familiar sight popped into view.

'Oh, it's this one right here.' You were home at last.

You stepped up a couple cobblestone tiles and pushed open the gate which greeted you with a long squeak. You held the gate open for Saiki to follow suit, but you turned around only to find him still standing out on the sidewalk giving you a puzzled look.

Don't tell me you can't walk to the inside of your house from here.

You crossed your arms as you leant back against the gate, 'I was offering you to come inside, dummy,' You sighed at his obliviousness, 'Since we didn't get to go and eat at the cafe, I thought it would be a nice thank you to invite you in and feed you.' He still gave you that puzzled look and you could tell that your offer - so far - wasn't enough to persuade him.

'That, and I have more Coffee Jelly than I know what to do with it. The neighbours just kept giving us welcome gifts of the same damn--'

You have Coffee Jelly?

'Uh... yeah, I have Coffee Jelly.'

Okay. Lead the way.

You stood there completely dumbfounded. You could tell he didn't want to go inside and you weren't gonna force him, but the fact that he changed his mind like that after mentioning Coffee Jelly is astounding.

'Alrighty then. Uh, follow me...'

You and Saiki walked past the neatly trimmed garden and bushes up to the front patio, and in front of you stood a beautiful oak-wood solid door.

Just as you were about to unlock it, it suddenly open to reveal a young boy in a dishevelled school uniform and a backwards baseball cap covering his messy light blue hair, 'And where the hell have you been?'

You bumped into Saiki as you jumped back in surprise, 'Hey! Watch your mouth, young man,' You hunched over to grab your knees and tried to regain your breath, 'And Jesus Christ, don't scare me like that, Callum!'

'You were scared? What about me! You were supposed to be looking after me when I got home from school - Instead, you left me all alone to hang out with some guy.' He scrunched his nose up in disgust as he peeked his head around you to glare at Saiki.

You rolled your eyes in response, 'I didn't know I had to look after you. Where's mum and dad?'

'Out doing groceries,' He replied, not taking his eyes off of the boy behind you, 'They said they would be back later tonight and that they texted you so you knew.'

Her To Be His (Saiki Kusuo x Reader) *LEMON*Where stories live. Discover now