Chapter 3: Goddamn Nendou

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A/N: Good fucking Lord, has it really been this long?? I was able to write a narrative for my English assignment in 30min but it's taken me 3 months to write chapter 3?? Logic... Anyways, onwards with the chapter! O(≧▽≦)O

[Your POV] 

You froze when you heard the crunch of the gravel behind you, getting louder in a steady rhythm. Slowly, you turned around to see who the intruder was - hoping that maybe God liked you at least a tiny bit and that the person didn't see your little episode.

The sun's rays of light reflected off his pink hair and hairpins stunningly from behind him, casting a shadow across the gravel. His face carried the usual expression you had seen on him throughout most of the day, inconveniently increasing your already high uneasiness. 

You still stood frozen in your spot like a deer in headlights - unsure whether to run, act natural or to just simply cry. Did he see what happened a few moments ago? If so then why is he walking towards you so casually? A million thoughts raced through your mind as you kept your eyes glued onto Saiki, and his glued to you. If you weren't panicking as hard as you were, his stare would have easily knocked you off your feet. 

So you're a psychic too?


You could hear someone speak but the boy in front of you did not open his mouth. Instead of responding to the question, you continued to stare at Saiki.

Don't play dumb, (L/N). I know you can understand me. 

The voice came back once more, and this time, it felt almost as if it were echoing from in your head. You were so confused about your current situation that you failed to hear the sounds of the students' laughter and chatter clamoring from beneath you.

'Holy shit...' you whispered quietly, 'I-is that you?'

Good grief, who else would it be?

The wind was gently whipping around you two - blowing the occasional loose strands of hair across your face. Finally, you registered what was happening.

'HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE A PYS--mph!' Suddenly, Saiki's hand was clasped over your mouth, preventing you from screaming out his biggest life's secret. His face had turned from neutral to threatening in a matter of 0.6 seconds, and quite honestly, it terrified you. 

You talk, you die. Understood?

So how the fuck am I suppose to communicate then?

Like that is fine.

The shit..? Can he hear what I'm thinking?

Unfortunately, yes. I can hear anyone's thoughts anytime within a 200 meter radius with absolutely no power over it.

You stared at him blankly for a few seconds, slowly processing more information he had just said. Suddenly, you pieced two and two together. 

'Have you been able to hear what I've been thinking... THIS WHOLE TIME?!' You cried out through his fingers. 

He must not have liked the feeling of someone's mouth moving against his hand because once you had finish yelling, he removed it from your face and wiped it against his pants. 

Yes, everything. 

You felt your face heat up from embarrassment after his incredibly blunt response. It's not like you had thought anything "dirty" during class, you just absolutely hated the thought that someone could hear it all. And what would happen if you did think of something inappropriate during class? 

Her To Be His (Saiki Kusuo x Reader) *LEMON*Where stories live. Discover now