Chapter 4: Sweet Tooth [PART 1]

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(A/N): Hi, how are you? Good? Well, let me try to make your day even better ( ⌯◞◟⌯)♡. I also just wanted to say thank you to all those who have read, commented and voted on this series - means a lot to me to know that what I'm writing is actually liked aha. Anyways I hope ya enjoy chapter 4!! <3

*UPDATE* - I split this chapter into 2 parts so they wouldn't be so long

[Saiki's POV]

She has got to be kidding me...

Saiki had now become borderline pissed; whether it was towards (F/N) or the situation as a whole, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that her forgetting her bag there meant that he wasn't completely out of the shit that she had got them into just yet.

He watched her face change from mild confusion to sheer panic as the realization of her bag had been left at the scene of the incident began to sink in. Her beautiful (E/C) and (E/C) coloured eyes widened as she looked to Saiki, in hopes that maybe he would know what to do in order to fix the situation they were both faced with.

At this, he cocked his head to the side, (F/N)... I try to live my life as quiet and as stress-free as possible, and you are not helping. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just kick you out and let you deal with this on your own.

Saiki was never any good at deducing what people are feeling based on their facial expressions because he always knew what they felt as he could just simply hear their thoughts. However, he could easily tell that at this point, (F/N) had become quite worried and possibly even frightened as she began to shake slightly and pick under her fingernails.

Hmm, that must be her nervous habit... He noted to himself.

'Okay well, um... how about because you are actually a very kind and gentle person who doesn't kick people out onto the streets and wish them luck?' She smiled wearily, hoping that maybe he would find his heart somewhere underneath all that dust.

Saiki merely deadpanned her.

'Wow okay...' She let out a long sigh as she ran her fingers through her now messy (H/C) hair, 'How about because I haven't written my name onto any of my belongs in the bag--'

That's good because then they won't know whose it is.

'--But your face has been drawn on one of the pages in my sketchbook...'



... How good are your sketching skills?

After a few seconds of careful thinking she answered, 'Let's just say, even though Nendou and Kaidou aren't the brightest bunch, they should be able to rule out who does have bright pink hair, green lensed glasses, and antennae hairpins, and who doesn't pretty quickly.'

Good grief, she has a point. Saiki's level of concern was beginning to rise now.

'Okay, Kaidou and Nendou will have no memory of us being there,' She explained cautiously eyeing him, 'But if they see your face in the book... they might start to question.'

All Saiki could do was sigh in response as he sat there on the edge of his bed. He was really starting to contemplate whether he should actually help her or not, even when he could easily pretend that this never happened and let (F/N) deal with this on her own. But then there's the possibility of her using this as blackmail later on if she wanted something from him.

Also, if they see his face in one of the pages, they'll definitely start to question him about why he's in a book and what it was doing in an unknown bag in the middle of the street where they regained consciousness. Moreover, if (F/N) shows up to school tomorrow without a bag or any equipment, they might be able to link the bag back to her... but then again, this is Nendou and Kaidou we are talking about.

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