Chapter 2: Pretty Little Psychic

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(A/N): Agh so sorry for the wait! It's slightly shorter than the previous one but anyways, welcome to the chapter two :3

[Your POV] 

You were being given a tour around the school when Nendou had accidently bumped into Teruhashi at the entrance of the cafeteria... but from your angle, it more appeared as Teruhashi had "accidently" bumped into him. 

'Oh hello, boys! Hi, Saiki...' She smiled, purring Saiki's name at the end. 

You watched in surprise as two of the boys you were with immediately changed their behaviour. And what's more, it was almost as if she had been expecting that reaction from the minute we crossed paths. 

'Oh, Teruhashi!' Kaidou and Nendou said in unison, a blush spreading like a wildfire across their face. 

You noticed, however, that the boy with the antennae had barely moved a muscle, instead you sensed his mood plummet dramatically the moment she said his name - and it was already pretty far down from the start. 

You had a knack for noticing the little things; reading people's feelings and emotions just happened to be one of them... as well as many other things...

'So what're you boys doing with the new girl?' she asked, making it look as if she was at all interested in what they were doing with you. Of course, you could tell she couldn't give less of a shit, though she was playing along rather well. 

'We were just givin' her a tour 'round the school.' Nendou chirped proudly. 

'Aw, that's so sweet of you guys!' Teruhashi smiled sweetly. She looked towards you and you noticed her quickly scan you up and down.

'Hello! My name is Teruhashi Kokomi! We met before in the classroom! It's nice to meet you!' she shouted, making sure that she enunciated each word and syllable.

'Why are you yelling at me..?' you asked leaning your upper body away from her.

'Oh! I'm sorry, I thought that you didn't speak Japanese,' she admitted sheepishly, 'That was silly of me!'

You were beginning to become quite cautious of her. Whilst her words and actions may have been coming out as sweet and friendly, you could sense that there was something completely different laying underneath. Right now, all you could feel from her was embarrassment, anger and a tinge of hatred... all directed towards you. 

'Anyways, I've gotta go. Yumehara is waiting for me over there. Bye, boys! See you later, Saiki~' Teruhashi called out as she began to skip away towards her table. 

Somehow, she's scary in a rather sweet way... I didn't know that was even possible! You thought. Everyone seems to like her but maybe I should keep my distance, just in case. 

'Alright, we better go find a table too,' Kaidou sighed, 'I think there's an empty one over there.' he pointed to a spare table in the corner of the cafeteria. 

You and the three boys made your way over and you took the seat next to the window as Kaidou placed himself beside you. 

'So (F/N),' Nendou began after he sat down on the chair opposite you, 'Why'd ya move to Japan?' 

Alright, I guess they are gonna want to ask questions... just as long as they don't dig too deep, we're okay. 

'Well I was born in Tokyo and then we moved to Australia when I was six.'

'Okay, so why'd you move in the first place?' 

' ... Family reasons.' you said slowly, unsure if that was an appropriate excuse. 

Her To Be His (Saiki Kusuo x Reader) *LEMON*Where stories live. Discover now