Lebanese, why?

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Hi guys :)

First of all, I apologize. I know it's been awhile since the last chapter. I really am sorry. Now here I am. For those who still stick with Lebanese, thank you so much. Hat off to you guys.

Lebanese is not yet finish. That's not the ending of this story. So stay tune with the last word from me. Hihihi.

Lebanese, why Lebanese, why? Some of you asked me, "apsal Lebanese, apa kaitan Lebanese dengan cite ni?" and so on. Okay, actually kalau nampak pic yang I selitkan kan atas, ia berkaitan dengan Glee. Sapa geng Glee kat sini? Hahaha . Glee is my fav series. Sampai seasons 3 or 4 je, since they picked new cast, Glee dah tak best macam dulu.

Masa I tulis cerita ni, I taktahu nak letak tajuk apa, blank, blurr. Kebetulan, at that time I was repeating Glee season3 kalau tak silap, and satu episode tu Brittany ada bagi white T-shirt kat Santana, and it wrote "Lebanese" on it. Episode tu semua Glee members kena pakai baju yang melambangkan diri masing-masing.

I pun blurr, but at last I found out, Lebanese was stand for Lesbian. Sebab Santana or Naya Rivera dalam ni dia adalah seorang lesbian. So, ding! Since this story bout two girls who love each other, I end up with the Lebanese as the title. Huhuhu, bijak tak?

Guys, actually I won't update any chapter after this, even Lebanese ni belum tamat lagi. A few chapters to go before the end. Alhamdulillah, my first manuscript has been accepted to this one local publisher. In Sha Allah, Lebanese akan keluar dalam versi buku this year. Hopefully, kalau takde aral menghalang or any issue berbangkit. I will update the progress.

Kalau nak tahu ending Lebanese dan jika mimpi I ni jadi kenyataan, sudi-sudikan lah ye memborong bila dah siap cetak nanti. :)
I pun tak sure sama ada tajuk dia masih Lebanese, atau akan ditukar. Nanti sama-sama kita tunggu new update daripada publisher.

Oh ya, in Sha Allah cerita kedua akan menyusul, tapi nak tanya pendapat you guys, should I write another gay story or try other genre?

Till then, thank you so much.

P/s : damn, I really miss writing. Huhuhuhu.

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