Chapter 1 - The Building In The City.

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Heya guys so welcome to the first part of the second book!! And you know I had so much views on the other book and votes so thank you guys so much so for that I'm gonna be doing a Q 'n' A so tell me some comments in this part and I'll put them in an another part of this book but let's go.

We all walking near this dirt path until we made it to this city like place it had a lot of buildings big and small "so..... this is our new place?" Asked sans "I guess so" shrugged undyne then I walked in front of them "guys this is a new place, you never know if this is a good place or not" then a human walked passed "oh? More monsters? Exciting!" She smiled.

"T-there's more of us?" I asked "yeah well only three but that's because they walked on this path alone" "alone?" Asked sans "yeah umm a skeleton and umm this cat thing and a dragon girl thing" she smiled back "where are they?" We asked "w-well they live at this place like a building because they thought monsters would be coming here soon"

"How long have they been here?" Asked Blooky "well now for a year, it's funny because they were in different months but in the same year" "hmmm can you show us to where they are?" I asked "yeah I was just passing there now" she giggled "wow thank you" I said "no problem" she said and we followed her

???? POV

"Ñíçe trÿ Ÿ/!, Ñøw y¡û øpëñè: mÿ bä••îèr âñd ñ¡w ¿'ll gét ś!ñś šôûł" I chuckled (Translation: Nice try Y/n Now you opened my barrier and now I'll get sans soul) I needed sans soul to live or take his power I looked at my empty hand "Øñè M!rè śöûł ¿héñ ītš mîñè" I said (Translation: One More soul then its mine) and clutching my hand at the same time "Ò!È MÔ¿Ė" I said. (Translation: One More)

Your POV

We talked for a while and then sans pulled me back to him "how and why did they get out?" He asked me quietly "I really don't know" I said back to him quietly "great so what if they either don't like us or they don't want to see us?" He asked "I don't know so yeah" I said "okay then, hey do you think frisk would reset?" "Of course not, well I don't know" I said back.

I looked around at the streets people was just looking at us like we're like bad things "gee take a photo it'll be longer" groaned sans "hey shut up we need them to like us" I said lightly hitting his arm.

"True" he said back "hey" I said turning around holding his shoulders and crouch down to his height "we'll be ok, okay?" I asked "thanks for teasing my height" he said sarcastically "hey! That's the spirit" I said standing up putting my hand on my hip and lightly push him "heh thanks" he smiles "anyway come on" I said and pulling him along with me.

Time skip to the building

"Well here we are" she said "thank you" I smiled "oh I'll show you the floor that they're on" he said "wait what's your name and why aren't you scared?" "Well I'm Cass and I'm a big friend to the cat one her name is Eleviev Dovacry (BTW Thank you to Kittysaysmerf for letting me use her character of Eleviev Dovacry) she's really nice when you meet her" she smiled.

"Wait! Elevi?" Asked mettaton "yeah that's her nickname" "What floor is she on?!" "F-follow me" she said and we walked up to floor 3 "so it's in 3H and it's on the left side" she smiled and he ran to that way, "mettaton? Should we follow him?" Asked blooky "I will you stay with the group" I smiled and got a light kiss from him "I know this is stupid to say but, be safe" he smiled "I will" I blushed and ran after him.

"METTATON!" KNOCK! KNOCK! "Hello is anyone home?" He asked "mettaton?" I asked "Y/n?" Then the door opened "Hello wh-" she said "Eleviev? Eleviev Dovacry?" He asked "M-Metta?" She said then started tearing up and held her hand on her mouth "METTA!!" She shouted and hugged him "ELEVI!" He laughed and hugged back.

I just smiled and I had a long little look at her she is a half cat half human she has purple cat ears and tail she has beautiful green eyes and she has brownish blondeish hair "o-oh Elevi this is my new sister Violet or Y/n" he smiled and pulled me close to him "Violet? Beautiful name I see why they call you that" she laughed and I laughed back.

"It's been so long Metta" she smiled "yeah and how did you pass the barrier?" He asked "o-oh I'll tell you later but I really need to do some work so see you around" she smiled and slammed the door close "w-wha?" He said and started to have tears cover his beautiful pink eyes "M-Mettaton don't cry I'm here" I said and hugged him "...I found my friend...why don't she want to talk to me" he said hugging back and putting his head in my neck.

"I-It's okay, come on we gotta go and see the other ones and see our rooms" I said and linked arms and started walking.

???? POV

"PLEASE!! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!" She cried "Tē!ł më" I said "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!!" She cried then yellow filled hands went in front of her and I shoot little yellow pellets at her.

"Wh¿ ç!ñ't p¿øpł? ùñ¿érśt!ñd m?" I said sad (Translation: Why can't people understand me?) "w¿łł í'ł! Łø?k !ør hïm m•šé!f" I said (Translation: well I'll look for him myself) and teleporting to somewhere.

Your POV

"This one is named Cinder and he's in 3B" so I went to Cinder with Undyne because apparently she knew him "so you knew him?" I asked "yeah I and him we're guards at the castle....he's the one who taught me to be so epic" he chuckled "heh sounds like a long story" I chuckled.

We came across 3B "ready?" I asked "it's been so long ever since he left.........I don't think I'm ready" she sighed "it's okay, you are ready just knock" I said "okay then" she sighed.

KNOCK! KNOCK! "H-Hello?" She asked then the door opened "Hell-" "Hey Cinder" waved Undyne "Undyne? How did yo-" then Undyne just pulled him in a hug "I MISSED YOU!!" Cried Undyne "ME TOO!!" Cried Cinder.

I had a look more at Cinder, he was a red dragon, well half dragon half human he had nice blue eyes and he was taller than undyne and he had black short hair with a red stripe and he had like red dragon wings but he had some scales on the side of his face, I could see how he became a guard.

"Umm Undyne we gotta go" I said "o-oh okay well see you around?" Asked Undyne "of course I will" he said back "okay cool see you" "bye!" We waved and walked away.

We came back to the group "so was he there?" Asked Mettaton "yeah......he was" smiled Undyne "well that's good, okay so the last one is in 3D" she said "okay cool, so does anyone know who this one is?" I asked everyone was just quiet "no? Okay then, seeing that no one knows, sans you're coming with me" I said "Why?!" He said in shock "because I said so" I said and pulled him with me "I regret this in so many levels" he groaned.

"Okay be nice, not crazy" I said "I'm always nice" he chuckled "suuurrrreee" I said, we were walking so much until we made it "so the 3D room what is it gonna be all 3D?" Chuckled sans "nice one" I laughed (or groaned if you don't like sans puns) "okay you first" said sans "what?" I said "ladies first" he said, I just rolled my eyes and knocked.

KNOCK! KNOCK! "Now we wa-" "yes wh-" said the skeleton "whoa!" Blushed sans it was a skeleton and she was pretty much like sans but she wore a green jacket and jeans and black sneakers and she was taller than sans but shorter than papyrus "oh hey new monsters! Cool" she smiled "Hi I'-" "You're violet or Y/n yes I know you but all you people don't know me" she said back "my name is Jay nice to meet you" she smiled and put her hand out.

I took her hand and I got zapped "AHH!" I shouted "Haha the good old zapper prank" she laughed "Nice one" laughed sans "WE HEARD A SCREAM!! YOU OKAY?!" Shouted blooky mettaton and papyrus "oh no I'm okay" I laughed "it was a prank" I laughed.

"OH WOWIE!! Is this the skeleton?" Shouted papyrus "yes it is, her name is Jay" I said "Jay cool" said blooky "well do you guys want a room?" She asked "yeah we have no where to go" I said "well you guys can have floor 5 if you want" she smiled "really thanks" we said "no worry's follow me" she smiled and walked to the group.

Heya guys and welcome to Chapter 1 YAY!!! But hope you guys liked it!! But anyway guys...


-Rhiisgreen 💚

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