chapter 4

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amy's p.o.v

I just don't understand why would his parents kick him out when he was 10? I mean isn't that a bit too young?

"Well I'm not really sure, according to these files he was a child that had anger management, he used to be too hard to control"

"But wouldn't his parents could've gotton him some help? He most likely wouldn't be in here if they did!, i know i would!" I said making myself clear.

"Well, i suppose" as soon as he said that there was a long and awkward silence.

"So, what do you want me to do?" i asked breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah, can you sort these out alphabetically, someone has messed them up?"

"Yeah okay"

Then i watched Harry walk out of the door and into the grim corridor heading back to the dining hall.

"I'm, sure he wont mind if i take a peep!" i whispered.

I searched through the files until i found Niall Horan. I pulled out the file and opened it onto the desk. It read that his mother brought him up on his own which i guess why she found him hard to cope with.

And then I made an interesting discovery. After he molested and killed the women he put them into a cellar under his house that nobody knew about.

Nothing on there was that interesting so i started to do as i was told.

"And last but not least, Amanda wallis" i closed the files drawer and walked out of the office locking the door also on the way out, making my way to the dining hall to give Harry the keys.

As i walked down the corridor i could already hear the screams and shouts from all of the psychotic attendants lingering just behind one set of double doors. but as per usual Niall was sat in the corner keeping himself to himself.

"Amy" Niall greeted sending me a friendly nod, along with his freaky smirk. I have to believe that Niall did kill those women and man! why else would he be put in here? because they would have to have a fair bit of evidence... right?

"Niall" i replied sighing, not really bothering to make any effort to go over to him whatsoever, so instead he came over to me.

As he walked over i could feel eyes on me, well Niall and I's.

His tall frame towered over my petite body making me feel powerless and weak. I backed away slowly as he was getting dangerously close. As i took my few backward steps he took his further foward, making his sweet smelling cologne waft up into my nostrils.

Niall's p.o.v-

I don't understand why she keeps backing away. I'm not a murderer, i am innocent, but of course she will judge me just the same as any of the other weirdo's in here. I don't even understand how i got myself into this mess!...but then again..!


"Argh stupid cigarettes, never fucking have any!" i grumbled unlocking my car and making my way to the closest gas station.

I got out of the car just taking the cap off when I received an in incoming call from Ryan.

"Hey, bud sup?" I asked casually. i could hear clear and heavy panting down the other end of the line.

"Ryan?, are you there?" i asked again.

"N..niall..i' done...som..thin st..stupid!" he choaked out.

"What now, Ryan?" i asked with aggression in my tone.

"!" he said breaking down into tears on the other end.

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