Chapter 2

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Amy's p.o.v

As i walked up the steps towards Crickley mental hospital i really wasn't sure what to expect. It was a mental asylum for the criminally insane.

I had the warden show me through the halls to the dining hall just so i could take it all in, how the people were. and as i came across the metal heavy duty doors I was really worried about what would be behind it.

She pulled a ring of keys out of her pocket and unlocked the doors. And all of the loud shouting stopped. they all stopped and stared at me. all wide mouthed and silent.

I gave a small and nervous smile and found a small table. I looked over to the right of me and a table was already accompanied by a rather handsome, for a psycho, young man with with blonde and messy hair. He was wearing the same uniform as everybody else, blue and white striped outfit.

"Okay, during breakfast lunch and dinner a bell will be sounded, meaning that some more advanced staff will release the patients from their cells and you will come into here also just to supervise them" she said, i didn't really like the way she referred to them as patients but then again what else would you call them.

"Yeah thats fine" i replied smiling a friendly smile.

"And any other time you aren't doing anything just come to me in my office, thanks" she said walking away quite abruptly. i wondered what pushed her away, she seemed quite rushed though.

As i looked over to the young man sat next to me he just smirked and carried on staring. "may i help you?" i asked curious on why he was staring at me.

"Yes. You must be the newbie" he says giving a chuckle
Of disbelief

"Yes, now i'm not supposed to be talking to you, i'm just here to do my job" i whispered back.

"Of course you are, for all they know you could just be helping me with my grammar."

"Grammar" i laughed.

"Yes" he replied looking seriously and his words were very stern. "We still have to learn whilst we're i here! It's not all happy clappy party time! It is basically a prison."

I changed the subject by asking an obvious question. "what are you in here for?" i quizzed him wondering if he would answer.

At first he hesitated, then he took in a deep breath and spoke quite shakily. "Apparently I molested 2 women and a man and then murdered them and disposed their bodies in my house." he said with no hint of emotion in his words. His eyes giving a cold and emotionless look.

"Did you?" I said wide mouthed in shock, my heart beat becoming irregularly fast shuffling to the edge of the chair.

"No but you won't believe me, get to know me better then you will see,"

"I'll give you a month and a half ....." My voice trailed off at the end.

"What is your name?"

"Niall, Niall Horan" he smirked his very large and intimidating smirk and it scared me.

"Welcome to the madhouse Amy"

He gave a mischevious smirk and i sure as hell didn't like it, but his eyes didn't change. They were still that emotionless sea of blue. There was something almost luring me to stare at his cold orbs. Almost if there was a secret hidden in them. And i'm curious and i will find out what it is. But I couldn't stop thinking about the word in my head. It made me feel all of a sudden trapped 'madhouse' what does it even mean? Or is he just trying to scare me?


Left you on the edge there hopefully, i will update as soon as possible xx

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