Chapter 9

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Amy's p.o.v

I put Hannah into the passenger seat and belted her up quickly. I shut the door and went around to the driver's side and got in and belted up too. Every few minutes I would keep looking over to Hannah. She was slumped over in her seat, barely strong enough to hold her own head up. Her limp and lifeless body, was once such full of colour, now seems so dull. The colour has gone from her eyes, that sparkling dazzle.

"I'm so sorry Hannah! I should have known something was wrong" I said, with tears starting to well up in my eyes. "This is all my fault, I can't explain how sorry I am. We will be okay, I will take us far away from this eventually, when you are better, and we have Niall I promise, okay?" I said smiling all teary-eyed at her. When I looked closer I could see a tear seep out of the corner of her eye.

When we got to the hospital I carried her to the front desk and asked for urgent help. Nurses and doctors bought a bed up to us and whisked her away to get attatched to all of the machines and what not. I waited in the relatives room and fell asleep.

A doctor startled me. "We are very sorry but, Hannah didn't make it." The doctor said sympathetically. I burst into hysterical tears. I was all to blame for this, and so was harry. I ran back to the car wiping away the constant tears and drove down all of the roads Harry took us down until I got to his driveway. I pushed open the door and looked around for him.

There he was sat at the kitchen table smirking at me. "I knew you would come back to me Amy!" He said smirking.

"Actually, I'm here to finish you off!" I said leaning onto the counter picking up the knife behind my back.

"Is that so?" Harry said laughing dryly, standing from his chair and towering above me. I quickly revealed the knife and shoved it right into his chest, he fell to the floor and I stabbed him once more, just to make sure.

"Amy..Amy?" I woke up to find a doctor in front of me. It was all a dream. Harry was still alive, and Harry's car was still outside.

"How is she, is she okay nurse?" I said standing up quickly.

"She's stabelized, but she is still very ill and you need to remember that" The woman said. I nodded and she showed me to her.

"I sat at the chair beside the bed and held Hannah's hand in mine, just happy she is okay.

I drove Harry's car back onto his drive, and cleaned the car for dna and fingerprints, and got a taxi from his house, you could say I risked seeing him but I can't afford to have to police on my back, not before I have helped Niall anyway.

I exited the room after sitting with Hannah for a bit and went to sit back down in the relatives room. I unlocked my phone and scrolled to my contacts until I got to Niall. I dialled his number. No one picked up, so I dialled again a further more seven times, still with no reply. "Come one Niall...!" I said trying once again for luck. He finally answered in a groggy and throaty voice.

"Amy? Is everything okay?" He said groggily.

"No niall, I need you to come to valley side hospital, It's Hannah, please be quick!" I said down the phone and then ending the call.

Niall's p.o.v

I put on the movie and then plonked myself on the sofa next to her. She cuddled into me, pulling the throw up to her chin. "Tonight has been good Niall" She said smiling at me. "And I really enjoy spending time with you!"

"Good, becuase I do too!" I said placing a kiss upon her forehead.

The film went on for a bit and then I felt her body suddenly go less tense. I moved the hair from her face to see if she was okay and she was fast asleep. I pulled her in closer as it made me feel like she was safer. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time and she stirred in her sleep. shit. But she didn't wake up. I could hear her mumble in her sleep

"Niall...I...I love you Niall" She mumbled. My eyes widened at her words. She woke up just minutes after and I told her about her mumbling.

"It's all true though! I do love you Niall" She said burying her face into my chest.


Suddenly I awoke to a ringing. Ugh my phone. I picked it up off the bedside table and read 14 missed calls from Amy. "Shit" I cursed to myself. I answered the call and asked her what was up. "Hannah's at hospital?!" I gasped. "What happ-"

"I need you to come to Valley Side Hospital, please hurry it's urgant." She said down the line. I got out of bed picked up a hoodie and jeans and ran downstairs and drove to the hospital.


not too long but I felt as if this one was more detailed than some of the other chapters have already started writing the next chapter so I hope you are all still reading x

I know I always say it but I find it reall hard, and I mean really really hard to think of what to out into my stories, I sometimes write a chapter but won't publish it because i find it too boring, i'm not going to promise you once a week because I tried that and it was so so hard but I DO promise to update whenever I can and whenever i have the time, tysm guys x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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