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I looked at sans with an impatient look, my body had filled with adrenaline as I had an idea to end all ideas. He rubbed his head thoughtfully and shrugged,
"it depends..." he rubbed his neck with his boney fingers, "i could take us there in a second by teleport, but if you're not used to it, long teleportations can seriously mess with your head!" He glanced at me and I placed my finger to my chin pondering the best options,
"It's a risk I'm going to have to take. I can waste anymore time." I stood up tall to emphasis that my decision was final. He rested his hand on my shoulder, spun me round and placed one arm over my stomach and the other along my collar bone,
"hold on tight, kiddo" suddenly the world around me seemed to glitch with streaks of pale blue. I closed my eyes as it felt like I had been staring at the sun. A second later I opened them, the world had a faint glow, and as my eyes adjusted I saw that it was indeed the waterfall. It was at this moment sans let me go and as I tried to hold my self up my legs gave out under me and the sudden drop brought a searing pain to my head and I felt like I was about to throw up. "can't say I didn't warn ya kiddo" sans said apologetically as he rubbed his hand on my back, as if on instinct he pulled a bag from his pocket and placed it in front of me. I grabbed it and placed it round my mouth as I gave in and threw up. Immediately he handed me a bottle of water, "drink up," and so I did, "similarly to the food here, to humans the water has magical healing properties, this should help with the headache and queezy-ness"
"Thanks sans" I said, already feel some of the pain subside, "I think I can get up now" still unsure, sans put his arm under my shoulder and proceeded to walk me through the underground.
"so what do you want here?" He asked
"It's a long story sans that I will explain once we get there,"
"there?" Sans asked "but I thought you wanted to get to the waterfall, we are here!"
"No sans, there is a specific place I want to get to in the waterfall, but I didn't know how to describe it to you. I though it be easiest to get here and work my way there from where we land" I said
"okay..." he said inquisitively "can you describe it now?" I nodded
"It's somewhere near... it's a place that seems to be raining... even though you don't have proper weather down here..."
"aha," exclaimed sans "you shoulda' said so buddy, I know just the place," he stepped in front of me, bowed, and offered a hand, "this way..." he said looking up, smirking. I grabbed it and he pulled me forward, the waterfall went by quickly, I almost felt as though sans was running with the help of magic, to get there faster and seem more impressive.
Soon we arrived at a sort-of-fork-in-the-road, with one path continuing on and one deviating to the left. The faint sound of rain could be hear in the distance and a dusty pot was seated on one side of the path.
Walking up to it, my heart (figuratively) sank, I could see that there were no umbrellas in it, but just rock dust from the ceiling, it wasn't until I approached it almost completely that I saw one last blue umbrella next to it, leaning against the wall.
"YES!" I exclaimed as I picked it up, somewhat hugging it.
"what you got there kiddo" sans raised a boney eyebrow, almost judging me. I looked round at him,
"Oh yeah," I giggled "explanation" I said gesturing to him, " basically when I came through here there was a puzzle that allowed me to open up a secret room, within lay an orb on top of a pillar,"
"like in the ruins, on the wall"  I nodded
"But back then I couldn't pick it up, for some reason whenever I walked in, my pockets filled with dogs and I couldn't pick it up. And when I released the dog it.... umm... absorbed the orb..." I looked away from sans some what embarrassed by the explanation, "I know it sound weird"
he shrugged "heard weirder,"
I continued "I thought that maybe now, that, well, everyone is... gone... that maybe this time it wouldn't happen. And I could pick it up, but first I need to do something" I pointed down the path, "that way" I said
He gestured forward, "be my guest," and we walked down the hall.

Eventually we came across a stone mound that I remembered from long ago, "this is it" I said staring at it. I opened the umbrella an prepared myself to place it in the dent on one side of the lump which was the prefect width for the umbrella. But before I could I clasped my hand to my mouth and tears rolled down my face, sans ran to my side and grabbed my shoulders.
"yo kid what's up?" He asked me,
"I didn't know last time I was here, I hadn't seen him before so I couldn't have known... it..."
"it what"
"It's Asriel. The rocks. The rocks are a statue of Asriel. I hadn't seen him at this point so I didn't know that they were anything more than just rubble. But it's him. Cold. Wet. Alone." I sighed and shook myself from this trance and placed the umbrella in what I now understood was a hand. And a tune began to play as the rain drops landed gracefully on the umbrella and in the wall behind that statue lines etched into the rock  that resembled musical notes on a note sheet. I studied them carefully and remembered the names for the notes, but before going back, I moved in front of the statue and looked at in one final time, "soon" I said and ran back down the hall.
sans was hot on my heels, as I went down the path next to where the pot of umbrellas sat. And there lay a piano, I stood in front of it and opened the lid, and proceeded to play the five notes of the tune. As I did the earth began to shake. Dust fell from above and sans and I both instinctively held our arms above our eyes to shield them. When the shaking stopped we looked forward and where a flat wall used to be there was now an arch which led to a new room.
I smiled at sans "you did it, how come i've never seen this room before?" He asked
"I don't know, I only found it by accident," I said as I walked forward. I entered the room. The room was darker than the rest of the waterfall, however there was a red glow that was being emitted from the centre of the room.
"so that's it, huh?"
"Yup" I replied. I slowly walked toward the pillar until my chest was almost touching it. It was there. Within my grasp. I checked my pockets to see that, no dogs were in there, silently I mouthed a 'yes' of victory and reached out my hand

I turned to sans and held out my palm, in the centre sat a small ball about the size of an apple, "I have it sans" I said
"so you do," he said, impressed,"so... what now?" He asked
"Honestly, I don't know"

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