Chapter 6: Please don't be scared

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Kaneki's POV

I turn to the two investigators as your body falls to the ground.

Kaneki: How dare you get in my way?!

I release my kagune and kill the investigators as quickly as possible before taking you to an apartment, that I bought specifically for us. When we get there I realize that some of the blood from my clothes got on your clothes. I remember you saying that you prefer to sleep naked so I take your bloody clothes off and wash them while you sleep. You don't wake up and I start getting worried. I tap your shoulder.

Kaneki: (m/n)?

(m/n): Mmmm... 5... more minutes... please...

You roll over. I let out a sigh of relief. At least you're responsive. You sleep another hour and a half before waking up. You pull the blankets up to cover yourself and avoid eye contact with me.

Kaneki: Is something wrong?

You mumble something but I can't hear you.

Kaneki: What?

(m/n): 'I need some clothes... where are mine?'

Kaneki: I washed them. I'll go see if they're dry.

I leave the room and grab your clothes. I come back and give them to you. You mumble a quiet "get out" and I do. After about 5 minutes I knock on the door.

Kaneki: Can I come back in now?

No answer so I just walk in. You're laying down but now with a shirt and boxers on.

Kaneki: Are you hungry?

You shake your head.

Kaneki: Thirsty?

You shake your head again.

Kaneki: ... Are you scared of me (m/n)?

You stay still and my heart feels like it's been smashed into a thousand pieces.

Kaneki: Please don't be scared of me. It makes me sad.

You stay silent then you sit up, still avoiding eye contact.

(m/n): Tell me... did you kill Hide?

I hold my hand to my chin.

Kaneki: No.

You glare at me.

(m/n): Stop lying. I've known you long enough to know that you're a terrible liar.

Kaneki: I didn't kill him.

(m/n): You did.

You look away from me.

(m/n): You did kill him. There are only two answers to that question and if "no" is a lie then you did.

I lower my hand.

Kaneki: (m/n). I did it for you.

(m/n): Nobody should have been killed Kaneki! What's wrong with you?!

I see tears roll down your cheeks. I reach out to hug you but you smack my hands away. I instinctively pull them away and just sit there. I sigh and get up.

Kaneki: You can come out and get me when you're ready.

Just as I'm walking out you speak.

(m/n): May as well never come back in then.

I close the door and grab a book. The pain in my chest gets worse as I think about those words. After a while you come out and look at me with unwavering confidence in your eyes.

Kaneki: Do you want something?

(m/n): I want to go outside.

Kaneki: I'm sorry but it's too dangerous.

(m/n): I want to go outside.

Kaneki: Did you just hear a wo-

(m/n): I said I want to go outside Kaneki.

Kaneki: You can't (m/n). You could ask all night and the answer would still be no.

(m/n): That's what I want so that's what I'll get. I want to go outside.

Kaneki: (m/n). What do you not get about no?

You just stand there.

(m/n): If you're not going to let me out then at least give me a good reason.

Kaneki: I told you that it's dangerous.

(m/n): What's dangerous about going outside?

Kaneki: It's night. That's when ghouls like to hunt most.

(m/n): So? You're a ghoul. You could chase them off right?

Kaneki: I said no.

You sigh.

(m/n): Fine then.

You turn and go back to the room. You look at me.

(m/n): I'll try again tomorrow.

You lock the door. I sigh.

Kaneki: Oh (m/n). I can't let you out. What if you run away?

Yandere!Kaneki x Male!Human!readerWhere stories live. Discover now