Chapter 9: The Grand Escape

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(m/n)'s POV

I am laying in bed and Kaneki sits on the side of the bed.

Kaneki: Look (m/n). I didn't have a choice. I had to punish you.

(m/n): No. You had a choice but you only wanted to fuck me.

Kaneki: (m/n)... that's... that's not true.

(m/n): Then why did you just hesitate?

Kaneki: ...

(m/n): That's what I thought.

Kaneki: Is there anything you want to do? Like a game or something? Anything to make you happy?

(m/n): How about we play the game where you take me home and we live like we used to?

Kaneki: I can't risk losing you.

(m/n): What if I promise to not leave you?

Kaneki: You could run away as soon as I let you go.

(m/n): Wow. You claim to love me but you can't even trust me.

Kaneki: (m/n). This is for your own good.

(m/n): No it's not Kaneki! This is what you want! Not what I need!

Kaneki: Don't yell at me (m/n).

I glare at him.

(m/n): I can yell at you as much as I want! You kidnapped me! You-!

Kaneki slaps me and my eyes widen. My cheek stings and I hold my hand against it.

Kaneki: I am helping you! I am giving you a safe home! I am loving you! I am giving you this even though you tried to run away from me! I'm keeping you safe from the world! I love you so much!

He starts to cry.

Kaneki: I don't want to see you sad... I want you to smile. Like you did before. I love you and I can't stand it when I have to hurt you. I just want you to stay with me forever! I don't want to lose you and be all alone!

I look to the side.

(m/n): [I didn't mean to make him cry. I'm just angry and tired and scared.]

I hold out my arms and he looks at me surprised.

(m/n): Come here before I change my mind...

He hugs me and cries into my shoulder. I stroke his white hair.

(m/n): I'm sorry Kaneki. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm just tired right now and a little on edge.

Kaneki: It's ok. Hey. How about this? I'll take you shopping later today. You can pick out any food you want.

(m/n): Ok.

He sits up and smiles. I smile back and lay back down. He pets my hair.

Kaneki: You take a nap and I'll get you when breakfast is ready ok? I'll even draw you a nice warm bath after that.

I smile and nod as I slowly fall asleep. Kaneki wakes me up and gives me breakfast. It's some eggs and bacon.

(m/n): Thanks for the food.

He smiles.

Kaneki: Are you getting used to it here?

I nod. I'm not comfortable here but I'm afraid of a mad and sad Kaneki.

Kaneki: Good. I'll go get your bath started.

He gets up and leaves. I hear the bath start. I eat and a little while later Kaneki comes back.

Kaneki: Bath time.

He smiles. I take a bath and, surprisingly, Kaneki doesn't bother me. He left me some clean clothes and when I came out of the bathroom, I found him sitting on the couch watching TV.

Kaneki: Did you have a nice bath?

(m/n): Yes.

He gives me a gentle yet lonely smile.

Kaneki: Good.

I walk up to the couch to see what he is watching. It's some cooking show.

(m/n): I thought ghouls couldn't eat human food. Why are you watch a cooking show?

Kaneki: So I can cook for you. I want to take care of you. By the way, how's your shoulder?

I move my arm slightly.

(m/n): It doesn't hurt as much anymore.

Kaneki saddens.

Kaneki: But it still hurts?

I nod.

Kaneki: I'm sorry. I kinda lost control. I didn't mean to...

(m/n): It's... It's fine.

I smile at him. About 2 hours later, my hair drys.

Kaneki: Ready to go shopping?

(m/n): Yeah.

We head to the city and go to the mall.

Kaneki: Alright. Where do you want to go first?

(m/n): I want to go to the bookshop area. I need to find something to keep me entertained.

Kaneki: Ok.

We head to the bookstore area and I look around. I find a few books and Kaneki buys them for me. He also buys a few cookbooks.

Kaneki: Alright (m/n). Let's go buy some food.

We head to a grocery store. I help Kaneki pick out some food I like and he even gets me a few treats.

Kaneki: Alright. Homeward bound!

I chuckle then I hear yelling and see some ghouls and CCG officers. Kaneki sees them too and gives me my phone. He pulls me into an alley and hugs me while whispering in my ear.

Kaneki: 'Go hide. I'll text you when it's safe. When I do, tell me where you are.'

He lets me go and puts a mask on. He runs out to help the ghouls and I take this as a chance to gain back my freedom. I run away and find a rundown building. I hide in it while ordering a plane ticket to America. Kaneki texts me. "It's safe now. Where are you?" I ignore it and start heading to the airport. "(m/n)? Where are you?" I start running to the airport. "(m/n)?! Answer me!" I get to the airport and show them my ticket on my phone. I board the plane and head to America. "(m/n) please! Are you ok?! Where are you?!" I sigh. I'm free. I can start a new life now.

Yandere!Kaneki x Male!Human!readerWhere stories live. Discover now