Chapter 11: This is Protection?

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A/N: Thanks @EmoWolfy666 for the great ideas! I hope you all are satisfied with this chapter.


Kaneki's POV

(m/n): Protect me? This is protection? I feel like I'm in prison!

You flinch back when you've realized you raised your voice at me. I reach a gentle hand out to you but it only seems to frighten you more. I hug you and your entire body tenses up.

Kaneki: I love you so much (m/n). I just want you safe from this cruel, cold world. This world is wrong and I don't want it to hurt you.

I bury my face in the crook of your neck.

(m/n)'s POV

(m/n): [I'm scared... I just want to go home.]

I clench my jaw and squeeze my eyes shut to hold back my frightened sobs.

(m/n): [This isn't my boyfriend. This is some scary stranger... I'm afraid... I'm afraid of who my boyfriend has become...] This world has always been wrong.

I take in a shaky breath.

(m/n): I've known this for years. You should have too.

Kaneki hugs me tighter.

Kaneki: Let me love you... let me protect you...

He mumbles into my neck.

Kaneki: I need you to stay by my side as my sign of hope in this dark world... I can't loose you to anyone or anything...

He sits up straight and looks at me. He runs his hand through my hair gently.

Kaneki: I have to. I have to protect you. I have to keep you safe.

He caresses my cheek and I move away. I look away from him.

(m/n): I'm tired. Please let me sleep.

He nods in understanding and gets up to leave but before he does, he kisses my forehead.

Kaneki: Sleep well Love.

He leaves and locks the door behind him. I lay down on my side and stare at the wall until I fall asleep.

Kaneki's POV

The next morning, I knock on the door to (m/n)'s room.

Kaneki: (m/n). It's time to wake up.

I don't receive an answer so I unlock the door and walk in. I see you sleeping peacefully. I sit on the edge of the bed and stroke your cheek. You wake up and flinch away from me.

Kaneki: Good morning.

You sit up and scoot away from me. You mumble a quiet "Morning" back.

Kaneki: Anything you want for breakfast?

You shake your head, your hair covering your eyes.

Kaneki: Is there anything you want to do?

You shake your head again. I look down at the floor and we sit in silence.

Kaneki: We could... rent a movie. You could pick one out and I could go pick it up.

I look back at you to see your response. You sit still before nodding slowly in agreement. I smile and bring up a website of rental movies. I hand it to you and let you choose a movie. You pick one and I head out to get it after locking the door to the room you're in.

A/N: Sorry this is kinda short. I plan on ending this in the next chapter but I'm still deciding. Again, thank you @EmoWolfy666 for the ideas to help me get this chapter out. I have an idea for the next chapter so I hope I'll be able to get it out sooner than I did this one. I'm visiting family soon so I don't know if I'll be able to write much for the next week but I will try my best. Thanks for all the support from everyone! See you guys in the next chapter! :)

Yandere!Kaneki x Male!Human!readerWhere stories live. Discover now