Chapter 7: Rules and Punishmentsed

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(m/n)'s POV

I peek out the door and see Kaneki asleep on the couch with a book over his face. I tiptoe behind the couch and to the other side of the apartment. I begin looking for a way out. I find a door but it's locked and the knob is squeaky. I freeze when I hear Kaneki groan and shift. I turn around and thankfully he's still asleep.

(m/n): [That was a close one.]

I start looking for some kind of key. I fail but what makes matters worse is that Kaneki is waking up. I try to go to the room he had me in but he grabs me with his kagune.

Kaneki: Just what were you doing?

(m/n): Nothing.

Kaneki: You were trying to run away weren't you?

(m/n): No.

He raises an eyebrow.

Kaneki: Do you think I'm dumb?

(m/n): 'You kinda are.'

His kagune squeezes me tightly to the point where I can't even breathe.

(m/n): K-Kaneki... I can't... breathe...!

I start getting lightheaded and Kaneki tosses me into the room. I gasp for air. He walks in and closes the door.

Kaneki: I'm going to let you off with a warning this time because I never went over the rules with you. Rule 1: No leaving without permission and supervision. Rule 2: No insulting me or yourself. Rule 3: No self-harm or harm to me. Punishment 1: A few cuts and bruises. Punishment 2: Loose one day's meal. Punishment 3... you know what? I'll leave that a secret. Is this understood?

(m/n): Yeah...

Kaneki: Now stay in here while I make some breakfast.

He leaves me in the room and I hear him hum as he cooks. I just sit and look around. No windows. Only one door and a closet. I look in the closet and find some books. I pick one out and read. Kaneki comes in with a plate of pancakes. I set the book down and he holds up a fork full of pancakes.

Kaneki: Say ahh.

(m/n): I can feed myself.

Kaneki: I said say ahh.

I open my mouth and say ahh. After I finish eating, Kaneki again leaves and I continue reading. I look at the clock. 1:30 a.m. I take a deep breath and let it out. I peek out the door. I don't see Kaneki. I walk out and find him asleep in another bedroom. I see his jacket and check it's pockets. I find some keys and I smile as I take them to the door. I try each key until I hear a click, the door opens but squeaks really loud. I make a run for it. The stairs spiral down until I get to another door. I open it and am greeted by some woods. I look around but can't find any other place to go.

Kaneki: (m/n). I told you not to leave without my permission.

I turn and see his eye glowing in the dark. I run into the woods as fast as I can. I hear him chasing me and I swear my heart is going to burst from my chest. My breath is quick, just like my heart. This is similar to the first time I met the "New" Kaneki. My shirt gets caught on a low branch and I can't free it.

Kaneki: (m/n)~. Why are you running from me?

I look back and see him. I rip my shirt and leave it behind. Hey it doesn't matter. When I get out of here I'll just buy a new one. Yeah. When I get away from him. I continue running until I see an man.

(r/n): Who are you? And why are you running?

(m/n): Please! You have to help-!

Kaneki grabs me and hugs me close.

Kaneki: He's mine! You hear me old man?!

(r/n): Let that boy go ghoul!

Kaneki: You think you can tell me what to do with my things?! You thought wrong!

Kaneki pushes me down to the ground and walks up to the man. He stabs the man with his kagune and tears his body apart. Blood splatters onto my face and chest. I'm frozen with fear. My mind refuses to believe that I haven't escaped and that the scene before me just happened. Kaneki turns to me.

Kaneki: Let's go home and you'll receive your punishment.

(m/n): I'm not going anywhere with a psychopath like you!

He stares at me with wide eyes. He's completely dumbfounded then his face darkens and I know that I've screwed this up royally.

Kaneki: I'm helping you. I just helped you.

He points to the body.

Kaneki: Why would you call me a psychopath?

(m/n): You just killed someone for no reason! You've locked me in that house! Psychopath is too light of a word for you!

My brain has shut down. I don't know why I'm saying all this. I'm going to get myself killed physically or mentally. One or the other is going to happen eventually. Kaneki grabs me with his bloody kagune and holds me tight.

Kaneki: We're going home.

He takes me back and throws me into the room. He turns and locks the door. I look down away from him and cry.

(m/n): I want to die... I hate this place... I hate you...

I hear a small "Tch" from Kaneki.

Kaneki: You've tried my patience (m/n).

I look at him and he's very... happy looking.

Kaneki: But I'm glad because I finally can have all of you.

Yandere!Kaneki x Male!Human!readerWhere stories live. Discover now