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Sparklestar straightened up as the cats gathered below her. She glanced at her deputy, Stonewing. He nodded at her encouragingly. She smiled and padded to the edge of the tree's branch, lifting her head proudly, "I have called this Clan meeting to make four new apprentices! Goldflight and Frosteye's kits are six moons old now and ready for mentors!" She mewed. Happy mewling broke out below the tree as four kits bounded forward. Sparklestar leaped down in front of them, "Tinykit, Is it still your wish to become a Medicine cat?" She mewed, smiling down at the kits. The little gray kit nodded, "Yes, it is." she mewed, her voice shaking a little. Sparklestar lifted her muzzle, "From this day forward, until you earn your medicine cat name, you well be Tinypaw. Your mentor will be Littlefountain." The pale brown medicine cat slid through the crowd and touched noses with her new apprentice, purring a welcome. The two cats retreated into the crowd, Tinypaw's gray fur mixing with Littlefountains pale brown. Swiftkit padded forward excitedly, her brother and sister following slowly. Sparklestar beckoned Quicktail, Lightningpelt and Rainfur forward, "Swiftkit, Snowkit and Gingerkit." She mewed. Gingerpaw smoothed his orange fur and pressed into Snowpaw's white pelt, purring happily. Sparklestar smiled down at the apprentices, "From this day forward, until you earn your Warriors names, you will be Swiftpaw, Snowpaw and Gingerpaw." Swiftpaw fluffed her brown and white fur out and blinked her pale green eyes excitedly. Sparklestar turned to the chosen mentors, "Swiftpaw, your mentor will be Lightningpelt. Snowpaw, yours is Quicktail and Gingerpaw, your mentor is going to be Rainfur." Swiftpaw bounded forward and touched noses with her mentor, her siblings following in her paw steps They slipped into the crowd of cats and greeted their sister, Tinypaw, who was standing by their mother and father. Goldflight purred and licked her kits' ears. Frosteye straightened his whiskers proudly, smiling down at them.

Warriors: Book One: The End of the ForestWhere stories live. Discover now