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A group of criminals armed with weapons has took a bank hostage while they steal the money. Rainbow Team is to be inserted on to the roof. From there they will push down to the vault, making sure all of the criminals are either arrested or eliminated.

It's go time.

Ash's POV

The helicopter hovers over the roof of the bank and we rappel on to the roof.

"Okay team. We need to prove to Six we are the best rainbow team there will ever be, we must stop this scum" I say.

"So, what's the plan?" Montagne asked.

"This could go horribly wrong but if it succeeds, will be in the clear to go straight down to the vault. When the two guys aren't looking, I'll rappel down into the middle of all the hostages. I'll blend in with them and then when they least expect it, I'll shoot the two guy with my suppressed pistol and then you guys drop down making sure no enemies flank us. We'll quickly escort out the hostages to safety and then continue the mission from there"

I wait for the two criminals to look away and I quietly rappel down into the crowed of people.

I looked up and saw the team staring down at me.

Both guys are distracted, talking to each other.

I pull out my pistol and aim it at one of their heads. I shoot, instantly killing the man and then I turn the other guy and put multiple bullets in his body.


The team all rappelled down behind me in a circle.

"Cover me while I talk to this guy" I tell them.

I walk over to the robber laying on the floor bleeding out and stamp on his wounds.

"How many of you are there!" I shouted.

"9" He replied.

"Thank you" I said.

I shot him in the face and moved on.

"There's 9 more targets, we need to move carefully" I told them.

Montagne extended his shield and moved round the corner.

Two guys fired at him and Thermite moved quickly to the side and shot one the men down before being fired at.

The other terrorist was shot from the side by a shotgun.

A hole was made and Rook stepped through it.

"Good job Rook. Now, we can't push down the stairs as its most likely a death trap so how about we find a weaker part in the floor and breach from there. I'll through a smoke and we take out any targets in the vicinity. Remember, there's seven left" I told them.

We searched the area and I discovered a hatch on top of one of the elevators.

I fired at grenade at it and it exploded. I proceeded to throw to smoke grenades inside and we dropped down.

"FIND THEM!" I heard someone shout.

I pulled out my knife and moved quietly and quickly through the smoke and assassinated any targets.

I stabbed two and saw a final guy standing there looking around for me.

I ran up to him, grabbed his head and smashed hit against the wall.

I swung my knife into his abdomen and left there.

The smoke cleared and I saw my team, all alive.

"How many did you guys get? I got three" I asked.

"Two" Jäger said.

"One" Montagne said.

"One" Thermite finished.

"So there's two left" I replied.

"They must be at the vault" Rook told us.

"Let's go"

I sprinted quietly past the bodies and spotted the last two.

I shot one with my pistol and smacked the last guy with it.

I placed my hand firmly round his neck and pushed the barrel of my gun up against his head.

"Really think you'd fucking get away with this, knowing that we are on stand by all the time?"

He didn't respond he just looked past me.

"ARE YOU FUCKING LISTENING TO ME!" I shouted in his face.

He cowered slightly and looked down.

"I'm going to kill you now and any other scumbags thinking they can do whatever they want"

"Ash, stop! Let police deal with him!" Rook said.

I turned around and stared at him.

"No more, I've lost too many"

The gun fired and blood splattered up the vault door.

I let go of the guy and he dropped to the floor.

"Well done guys" I said walking past them.

I went up the stairs and walked outside.

The police had there guns aimed at me. Once they saw who I was they lowered their guns.

"It's done"

They cheered and the rest of my team walked out.

/Mission Complete\

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