Red pt.2

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"... yeah?"
"I'm seriously tired right now, and this is really nice so thanks.." he yawns.
You mentally sigh of relief.
"No prob bro."
Oh my god. You think to yourself.
I thought he would've told me to stop, wow.
You try to not blush because of what you were thinking about at the moment.

~× Be the one with jet black hair ×~

You couldn't help but lean against Dave, you're tired as hell and your best bro was right there so you decided to lean on him.
You keep on dozing off though, when you feel Dave petting your head; somewhat running his fingers through your hair, it sent little shivers down your spine.
This feels kinda nice.. You think to yourself, glancing up at Dave to see what you thought was him blushing, but your room was dark with only the TV as a source of light. You close YOY eyes again and yawn softly, mumbling out the blondes name.
"... yeah?"
"I'm seriously tired right now, and this is really nice so thanks.." you mumble all out at once, relaxing again to get ready for a small, vololuntary pass out.
"No prob bro." Dave replies, patting you on the back twice as you fell asleep.

~× Is he gay or Texan? Both ×~

John falls asleep on you, staying quiet still; not wanting to wake him up.
You carefully slide down to that your laying down next to John, he whines at the sudden loss of warmth; he wasn't laying on you like before.
He snuggles back up into your shoulder. His eyelashes brush against your neck, making you flinch slightly; though not enough for him to wake up, thankfully. You attempt to wrap your arms around him but can't; hence him laying on the majority of your left arm.

~× time skip yowza ×~

You wake up to see that Dave is holding you, your face in the crook of his neck. You couldn't tell if he was asleep or not because of those shades. Wait a minute, what if you just slip them off a bit to see if he's asleep or not? He could just be being very still, or just acting like he's sleeping..? You think you're getting a weird feeling of paranoia; therefore you decide to stop thinking about that.
What time it is? You ask yourself as you look around the room, but you couldn't see your digital clocks red numbers.
Crap, I hope it didn't friggin' break again. You, carefully, turn around and reach for your phone. 6:57 am Oh, that's the time I usually wake up at. Alright good. You know you won't be able to sleep in any longer so you decide to get out of bed and change your clothes.

~× very short time skip I'm sorry ×~

You turned on another Nic Cage movie, the volume low so you don't wake up your friend; hence him lying right next to you. You're chatting with your friend, Rose, on Pesterchum.

TT: John, isn't Dave over at your house for winter break?
EB: yeah he's sitting right next to me
EB: why?
TT: I was just wondering.
EB: oh okay! :B
EB: how's your winter break so far?
TT: Besides Jade and Kanayas snoring at the moment, it's quite nice.
TT: How is your winter break, John?
EB: it's good, i can't find my digital clock though.
EB: im kinda worried that i broke it again in my sleep somehow
TT: How many times have you broken it before?
EB: uhh
EB: about five times?
EB: maybe six
TT: In your sleep?
EB: yeah
TT: Maybe you need to see someone who could help you with that, your sleep breaking clocks thing?
EB: yeah, probably :B
TT: Well it's almost nine am, Kanaya is awake and we both need coffee. I'll be logging off of Pesterchum, talk to you later.
EB: later!

-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 08:45 --

You set down your phone and look over at Dave.
Still asleep? You get out of bed and quietly head downstairs and into the kitchen.
I guess I'll make myself some hot chocolate. You get out a mug, a packet of hot chocolate, a spoon and milk.

~× Be Dave ×~
You wake up to the sound of Nic Cage yelling at some guy on the TV.
Damn it Egbert. You push your shades up further and check your phone for the time.
8:50? Man that's too early to be up. But you get up anyways because fuck it, it's Christmas Eve and you're spending it at the nerds house. You quickly change your clothes, slip on your red (all red, no white) Converse and walk downstairs.
You see John making some hot chocolate and quietly walk over to him, but you step on a squeaky floor board. Suddenly he turns around, but you ain't gonna get caught while tryin' to scare him so you quick dive behind the island in the middle of the kitchen, you guess he shrugged it off as just the house settling as he went back to making his drink. Again, you begin to, now more carefully, walk towards him. Well it's more like a crouch-walk but you gotta stay hidden behind the island. Peeking around the corner, you see a great opportunity right now and quickly stride over to John, giving his sides a squeeze-pinch. He flinched and yelped.
"Ahh, damn it Dave!"
You let go of him, laughing and trying to hold yourself up, the island as support.
"Hahaah- you shoulda seen your face, oh my god- ahaha" you begin to settle down your laughter. John, cracking a smile at you, rolls his eyes and goes back to making hot chocolate.
"You want any hot chocolate before you suffocate yourself?" He asks you, you breathe out a yes and catch your breath.

// AN: I'm really sorry this came so late but it's about 300 words more than last time and I'm not the best at writing. But I hope you enjoyed this.

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