New school

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I walked in to my new classroom. Mr. Washington was my teacher. Today is my first day of preschool. I am starting a little late in the year because i just got signed up to go here. As i walked in i noticed a lot of kids. What if they dont like me what if they make fun of my accent? I walk up to one of the boys in my class.

" hi im alex" i say

" i'm Aaron burr" said the other kids

" i'm new here" i say

' i know " burr said

" stay away from those guys" aaron said pointing to a group of three boys

The boys started to walk over.

"Oh no" aaron groaned

" hi i'm john" said a curly haired freckley boy

" i'm Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette but most people just cal me lafayette or laf because they cant say my name" said a fluffy haired kid with a thick french accent

" i'm herculese" said a slightly intimidating looking boy

" i don't see whats so bad about them" alex said to aaron

" i'm going to go" said aaron as he left

"that was weird" stated john

I like john he's cute. That's ok right i don't really know.

I ran off with the other three Boys to the craft table. Laf drew the American flag john started to draw a really good turtle. Herc went to his backpack and got out some sewing materials. I wasn't sure what to do. I decided to draw the beach. Soon a fluffy haired boy wearing a magenta shirt who looked like laf came over and a boy wearing a blue gray sweater holding a blanket followed him.

" ha whats this blob supposed to be" the curly haired boy laughed grabbing Lafs flag drawing

" non, give it back its mine" laf said

" who's that" i whispered

" the fluffy one is thomas jeffreson and the one that looks like herc is james madison" john responded

"I don't see why anyone would want this garbage" Thomas said crumpling up the drawing.

Laf started to tear up. That got hercs attention and he ran over to hug his friend.

" aw is the baby going to cry" Thomas taunted

That's it no one messes with my friends. Even if i have only known them for 15 minuets. I jumped up next to Thomas.

" Thomas stop being mean to my friends" i said

" who might you be? And where did you come from" Thomas said

" i'm alex and your a meanie and um pink is a girl color" i said

the other four boys gasped

" take that back and dont act so mighty in your torn up worn out old shirt" Thomas said

" no "i said getting closer to him

I was trying to seem bigger he's got a good few inches on my and with the hair he seems taller. I'm also thin as a stick. He pushed me back and i stumbled.

" ha" he said

I walked back over to him and pushed him back. He seemed unfazed. The other four boys seemed worried.

" you'll regret that" he dropped Lafs crumpled drawing

He walked over and pushed me down then kicked me. That's nothing ive dealt with much more. I got up and jumped on him. Soon we were wresting on the floor. Mr. Washington was soon standing over us. We broke apart.

"Jefffreson started it" i said pointing at Thomas

" no way alex started it" Thomas said pointing at me

" you crumpled up Lafs drawing and pushed me" i said

" you called me a meanie and said pink is a girl color" Thomas spat

" alex son, because this is your first day i will let this slide anything else will get a note or call home" mr. washington said

" don't call me son" muttered thinking of my real dad.

But I hope nothing's else happened. I Didn't have a home to take a note to or anyone to call.

Washington just shrugged it off and turned to Thomas.

" Thomas you will have five minuets in the chair for crumpling Lafs drawing and starting a fight" washington said

Thomas nodded and stomped off to the plastic chair facing the corner. Washington went back to his desk.

" that was awsome" said john as the three other boys ran over to me

" thanks." I said" i was not going to let him be mean to laf, and laf your flag is amazing"

" it was but now its all crumpled" laf said looking sad

" no, now it looks like its been flying in the wind honoring our country" i said uncrumpling the flag

His face lit up" thank you mon ami" he said hugging me

A few minuets later we had finished up our drawings and mr.washington said i was lunch time. Everyone ran to their cubbys and pulled out their lunch boxes except me I just pulled out the apple that i had. That was asleep i had. I went and sat down with herc laf and john. I felt like i saw mr. washington watching me for a little i'm sure its just my imagination.

" where's your lunch" herc asked

" right here' I said holding up my apple confused

" mon ami why did your parents not pack you more?" Laf said

" oh you know." I said awkwardly" I like to pack my own lunch and i had a big breakfast"

" ok" they said

They shared a worried look. I don't think they believed me.


Alex seemed worried when I mentioned taking a note or calling home. But in a diffrent way then the other kids. Then all he had for lunch was an apple. That's strange, ill look after school and see what i can find out about him.


It's strange that alex only had an apple. His answer seemed to be a lie, herc and laf thought so to. He's so cool though. The way he just walked in to school made friends stood up for la escaped punishment and got to beat up jeffreson so cool. Trust me we all want to beat him up except james. James likes him in more than a friend way. He told me he's not a meanie like thomas. I like Alex in more than a friend way. I think thats ok but my dad does not. I don't like my dad he's a bigger meanie than jeffreson. He's a big meanie poo face. But i cant sa things like that.

" hey guys do you wasn't t go make a kingdom in the sand" I asked

" yeah" cheered herc laf and alex

We went over to the sandbox and got a corner against the wall. Alex pointed out that taht way we only had to build 2 walls not four. Alex is smart. He built the wall and herc laf and i started on the little buildings on th inside. When alex finessed the wall it was like one and a half feet tall. That's half his height. Alex is good at everything wow. Soon we were called back in. That's to bad recess is always fun. 

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